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GEOSS Modeling


The Global Earth Observation System of Systems will provide decision-support tools to a wide variety of users. As with the Internet, GEOSS will be a global and flexible network of content providers allowing decision makers to access an extraordinary range of information at their desk. The GEOSS Architecture Implementation Pilot (AIP) develops and deploys new process and infrastructure components for the GCI and the broader GEOSS architecture. AIP is a core task (GEO Task AR-09-01b) of the GEO Architecture and Data Committee. Results of the AIP are transitioned to GEO Task AR-09-01a and the GEOSS Common Infrastructure (GCI). Progress of AIP development is listed below; For access to data go the GEOSS Web Portals

Measure of Success

INCOSE GEOSS Working Group is responsible for creating the UML/SySML Diagrams of the Architectures based on Use case Narrative created by Societal Benefit Area Teams. Their are now 12 Societal Benefit Areas. This is our sixth year on this task. A key contribution is the interoperability design of external resource usage. External resource choice is made as part of the scenario process and completed in the technical phase when actual connection to clouds or at least a service. The team also continues to grow in knowledge on the use of SysML and we have added SOAML this year. Our product helps provide 3rd world countries we ability to get services access without satellite access and they can play with just access to the web.

Topic Overview / Description

This ‘system of systems’ will proactively link together existing and planned observing systems around the world and support the development of new systems where gaps currently exist. It will promote common technical standards so that data from the thousands of different instruments can be combined into coherent data sets. The ‘GEOPortal’ offers a single Internet access point for users seeking data, imagery and analytical software packages relevant to all parts of the globe. It connects users to existing data bases and portals and provides reliable, up-to-date and user friendly information – vital for the work of decision makers, planners and emergency managers. For users with limited or no access to the Internet, similar information is available via the ‘GEONETCast’ network of telecommunication satellites. The Global Earth Observation System of Systems is simultaneously addressing nine areas of critical importance to people and society. It aims to empower the international community to protect itself against natural and human-induced disasters, understand the environmental sources of health hazards, manage energy resources, respond to climate change and its impacts, safeguard water resources, improve weather forecasts, manage ecosystems, promote sustainable agriculture and conserve biodiversity. GEOSS coordinates a multitude of complex and interrelated issues simultaneously. This cross-cutting approach avoids unnecessary duplication, encourages synergies between systems and ensures substantial economic, societal and environmental benefits.

International Council on System Engineering Technical Operations/Model Based System Engineering Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) Working Group INCOSE 7670 Opportunity Rd., Suite 220 San Diego, CA 92111-2222 USA

Development of information, Computational, Engineering and Technology views for each SBA addressed in AIP5 and Solution Architecture recommendation for necessary components and their requirements

GEOSS Architecture Implementation Pilot – Phase 6 (AIP-6)

Response Due Date: Programmatic POC Technical POC Lawrence E. McGovern, DSC Lawrence E. McGovern,DSC Programmatic POC email [email protected] Technical POC email [email protected] Programmatic POC phone 301-875-5892 Technical POC phone 301-875-5892

INCOSE Response to the GEOSS AIP-6 CFP for 2013 1 Overview 1.1 Purpose The purpose of our effort will be to assist with development of requirements for selection of components that enable exploitation of priority EO data sources. We will assist by providing input on components we have or will derive from our Societal Benefit Area UML Architecture products. We will also record components selected in our Technology views for each SBA and offered by other team members. 1.2 Content The content of our effort will consist of the following tasks and associated products: 1.2.1 Development of supporting architecture We will complete the Information, Computational, Engineering and Technology views of the GEOSS Societal benefit Areas(SBAs developed in AIP-5 and proposed new SBAs. This effort will result in the derivation and recording of the required data sources and requirements for archiving of data and alternative selections for data brokers Proposed Contributions. 2 Proposed Contributions Our role will be to provide support in development of requirements for data sources via our information views for each SBA and requirements for necessary components. Component design will be provided via our Technology views for each SBA created in AIP-2, AIP-3,AIP4 and AIP-5. We believe this work is necessary because the entire Solution Architecture was incomplete at end of AIP5 for each SBA that had been introduced. Our work will provide a solid source of requirements that can be used as requirements for required data sources and data flow. We will coordinate our work with the SBA groups, 2.1.1 Societal Benefit Area Alignment and Support INCOSE UML team is aligned with all SBA scenarios that have been developed. Further, we have developed Open Distributed System Architecture diagrams in accordance with RM-ODP (ISO 10746-3) and UML.40DP (ISO 19793). We have completed all SBA scenario models up through the Engineering Viewpoint. We did this using UML 2.1.1 and SysML 1.0. We propose to enhance the SBA descriptions and deployment by completing the Technical Viewpoints of the architecture for each SBA. Comment on the SBA section of GEOSS AIP Architecture. Our planned approach to developing SBA scenarios (e.g. web service-oriented use cases, workflows, decision support environments, tutorials) is as follows: Use Cases describe functionality of the GEOSS service oriented architecture implemented through Interoperability Arrangements. Scenario implementations build on these core functions using a system modeling process based on international standards tailored to the GEOSS environment. Transverse Technology Use Cases represent those functions deemed most reusable as well as most essential to utilization of the GCI Aspects of the existing GEOSS AIP Architecture Use Cases to which we propose to contribute. In AIP-3 Engineering Use Cases and their Narratives were developed to describe functionality of the GEOSS service oriented architecture implemented through Interoperability Arrangements. Scenario implementations built on these core functions using a system modeling process based on international standards tailored to the GEOSS environment. Transverse Technology Use Cases represent those functions deemed most reusable as well as most essential to utilization of the GCI. The INCOSE UML team during AIP-3, 4 and 5 developed four of the five viewpoints needed to develop the complete RM-ODP4 Architecture for the SBAs. We will continue this effort by building the SBA Technical views as described in Section above. The developments of the realization of the engineering use cases will show how the various components interoperate to produce results unique to coordinated activity of the participant’s usage of the GCI. 2.1.2 Component and Service Contributions Not applicable to our contribution consisting of Engineering design contribution. 2.1.3 Architecture and Interoperability Arrangement Development Our plan to contribute or support the refinement of the GEOSS AIP Architecture and Interoperability Arrangements is as follows: We will expand the AIP-3 Engineering Use cases by perform a Use Case Realization to an Activity Diagram and Sequence Diagram and then build the Information, Engineering and Technical Views from the realization results which represent the Enterprise view. 2.1.4 Comments and contributions to the GEOSS process for reaching Interoperability Arrangements led by the SIF ( Our contributions to reaching interoperability arrangements led by the SIF have been described in Sections 2.1.1 and 2.1.3 above. 2.1.5 Participation in open standards organizations and list of relevant experience for specific open standards. The INCOSE UML team has participated in AIP-1, 2, 3, 4 and now 5. Our role has been to develop the UML-4ODP (ISO) 19793) compliant architecture views for each SBA. We now have 5 years of specifically related GEOSS open standards experience. The ODP experience of our proposed team members includes over 30 years of aggregated UML/SysML and ODP related development experience. INCOSE participates in the development of both the RM-ODP (ISO 10746 -33) but also the UML-4ODP (ISO 19793) and UML 3.1 Description of INCOSE The International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) is a not-for-profit membership organization founded in 1990. Our mission is to share, promote and advance the best of systems engineering from across the globe for the benefit of humanity and the planet. INCOSE resources to support AIP-5 will be provided by the GEOSS working Group of INCOSE. Personnel to be provided are summarized below. All working group members are journeyman system engineers and system and enterprise architects and database designers. 3.2 Technical Operations / Model Based System Engineering Working Group/ Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) Working Group Challenge Team Charter Promote shared understanding and advancement of systems engineering practices and principles in the earth observation community.

Leadership Roles & Team Members INCOSE Representative and technical lead: Lawrence McGovern, WYLE Aerospace Email: [email protected] Phone: 301-875-5892 Cell 301-875-5892 Architecture and Data Committee Representative: Lawrence McGovern, WYLE Aerospace/INCOSE User Interface Committee Representative: Lawrence McGovern, WYLE Aerospace /INCOSE Team Members: Matt Sheranko, WYLE Aerospace; Theodore Khan, WYLE Aerospace/INCOSE Plus two additional INCOSE members TBD


DateMilestoneStatusPoint of Contact
February 2 2012Submit Proposal for GEOSS UML team work AIP-5Proposal Accepted March 2012Dr. Lawrence McGovern
Start AIP UML Team effort AIP-5May, 2012Started with GEO Kick Off Meeting May 3,4 2012Dr. Lawrence McGovern
Complete AIP-5 UML Team effort December 2012Milestone 3Started may 3, 2012Dr. Lawrence McGovern

Team Members

NameOrganizationContact Information
Dr. Lawrence Mcgovern Wyle [email protected]
Matt Sheranko WYLE [email protected]
Theodore.Kahn WYLE Theodore.khan@WYLE,com

Wiki Articles

mbse/geoss.txt · Last modified: 2013/04/16 13:59 by lawrence.mcgovern