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UML Logo (c) 2008 OMG This wiki is intended for the collaboration of OMG's UML Revision Task Force (UML RTF).

Members of the task force may use this site for document and information sharing, and any interested OMG member may view this site to track status or activities of the task force. To edit pages on this wiki, please request a login account from one of the RTF chairs. RTF issues are regularly triaged to differerent areas of the specification and assigned to work groups. Work groups are responsible for proposing resolutions to their assigned issues although any RTF member may propose issue resolutions. Work group leaders and/or the RTF co-chairs add or remove proposed resolutions to a scheduled ballot after discussion has been completed.

RTF Version

RTF Chairs

Co-Chair: Maged Elaasar (IBM)

Co-Chair: Steve Cook (Microsoft)

Co-Chair: Nicolas Rouquette (JPL)

RTF News

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RTF Document Templates

Generating Normative XMI

These are the steps needed to convert the metamodel (EMX models) to normative XMI:

  1. Using RSx 7.5:
    1. Export 7.5 EMX models to open source UML 2.1 models (notice the EMX models have the Ecore profile applied)
      1. select the EMX models
      2. right click, choose export
      3. choose UML 2.1 Model exporter
  2. Using MDT/UML Open Source Tooling
    1. Convert UML models to metamodels (basically readable ids vs. guids and applying “metaclass” stereotype from the standard profile)
      1. open one of the UML models using the open source UML editor
      2. right click the editor, select 'Load Resource' and load the other UML models
      3. select the root element (Model) of each resource (in the order given next) and from the main menu do : UML Editor → Convert to → Metamodel
      4. the order of converting resources is from the most dependent to the least dependent, i.e. L3→L2→L1→Superstructure→L0→LM→Infrastructure
      5. do Save in the editor to save all the resources
      6. close the editor
    2. Convert UML models to CMOF models:
      1. open one of the UML models (xxx.uml) using the open source UML editor
      2. right click the editor, select 'Load Resource' and load the other UML models
      3. do SaveAs… in the editor and rename the main model you opened to (xxx.cmof), this creates new CMOF resources for all UML models
      4. close the editor
    3. Edit the CMOF XMI
      1. open each model in a text edtior
      2. make sure the XMI header contains only the following attributes: [ xmi:version=“2.1” xmlns:xmi=“” xmlns:cmof=“” ]
      3. for L0/L1/L2/L3/LM.xmi add the following attribute to the root package: [ uri=“” ]
      4. search for <xmi:Extension> tags and remove them manually
      5. save the file

Generating Merged XMI at L3

These are the steps needed to perform package merge at L3 (same can be done at any other compliance level):

  1. Using RSx 7.5:
    1. Export 7.5 EMX models to open source UML 2.1 models
      1. select the EMX models
      2. right click, choose export
      3. choose UML 2.1 Model exporter
  2. Using MDT/UML Open Source Tooling
    1. Perform package merge at L3
      1. open L3.uml using the open source UML editor
      2. right click the model root and from the main menu do : UML Editor → Package → Merge…
      3. right click the model root and from he main menu do : UML Editor → Convert → Metamodel
      4. do SaveAs… and rename to L3.merged.uml
      5. close the editor
    2. Convert the merged model to CMOF XMI
      1. open L3.merged.uml using the open source UML editor
      2. do SaveAs… and rename to L3.merged.cmof
      3. close the editor
    3. Edit the CMOF XMI
      1. open L3.merged.cmof in a text edtior
      2. make sure the XMI header contains only the following attributes: [ xmi:version=“2.1” xmlns:xmi=“” xmlns:cmof=“” ]
      3. add the following attribute to the root package: [ uri=“” ]
      4. search for <xmi:Extension> tags and remove them manually
      5. save the file and close editor

Comparing Unmerged Models

These are the steps needed to compare the unmerged models of UML 2.2 and 2.3:

  1. Using RSx 7.5:
    1. import projects uml2.2-unmerged and uml2.3-unmerged from your SVN project folder
    2. select each pair of models with the same name in the two projects (ex. uml2.2-unmerged/Superstructure.emx and uml2.3-unmerged/Superstructure.emx)
    3. right click and choose in the context menu: Compare With → Each Other
    4. select the 2.2 model to be “base”
    5. a delta view will show up with all the deltas that you can drill into and inspect

Comparing Merged Models

These are the steps needed to compare the merged models of UML 2.2 and 2.3:

(Notice that this is a different compare because the merged models are generated and hence have different ids for the same elements)

  1. Using RSx 7.5:
    1. import projects uml2.2-merged and uml2.3-merged from your SVN project folder
    2. select uml2.2-unmerged/UML.emx and uml2.3-unmerged/UML.emx
    3. right click and choose in the context menu: Combine Models
    4. select the 2.2 model to be “source”
    5. a combine model viewer will show up with all the deltas that you can drill into and inspect
    6. click Cancel (not Ok) when done