Table 1:The authors of the Response to the Federal Reserve Discussion Paper
R. W. “Nick” Stavros, BS, MS, Ph.D.
Jackrabbit Consulting
Nick is the primary author of the OMG response to the Federal Reserve White Paper on a U.S.-based CBDC. Nick has over 50 years of experience in Software and Systems Engineering and has worked on a wide range of projects and products, from embedded processors and microcontrollers to large mainframe applications running DBMSs. Nick has been a volunteer with the OMG for 20 years and has served as a chairperson on the Ontology PSIG, and Blockchain PSIG. He has also been an active member of the Middleware and Related Services (MARS) Platform Task Force (PTF), Artificial Intelligence (AI) PTF, and the Data Distribution Service (DDS) PSIG. ick is also VP of Technology at the DDS Foundation. Nick still enjoys coding in C/C++, Java, JavaScript, Solidity, PL/SQL, and PostgreSQL. He also likes to use modeling tools for ERD and SysML. He has also been the principal author of the Distributed Immutable Data Objects (DIDO) Reference Architecture (DIDO-RA).
Ian Stavros, BS, BS, MS
Jackrabbit Consulting
Ian led a Phase 1 & 2 DARPA SBIR investigating blockchain technologies, leading to the publication of the Distributed Immutable Data Objects (DIDO) Reference Architecture (DIDO-RA) by the OMG and the development of the DIDO Test Environment (DIDO TE). Ian has been a member of the OMG since 2014 and is currently a co-chair of the Blockchain PSIG.
Char Wales, BS
Jackrabbit Consulting
Nominally retired as a systems engineer. Co-Chair of the Middleware and Related Services (MARS) Platform Task Force (PTF) in the Object Management Group (OMG), the standards body behind CORBA, UML, and other related technologies such as the Data Distribution Services (DDS) for Real-Time and Distributed Independent Data Objects (DIDO) including blockchain, distributed ledgers, etc. Have served in this role since 2003 although my participation in the OMG dates back to Dec 2000.
Table 2:The Contributors helping formulate a Response to the Federal Reserve White Paper
The OMG Members that have contributed to the Response are:
Mike Bennett
Mike Bennett is the director of Hypercube Limited, a company that helps people manage their information assets using formal semantics. Mike is the originator of the EDM Council’s Financial Industry Business Ontology (FIBO), a standards-based repository for financial industry concepts and definitions and works with the EDM Council as Director for Semantics and Standards. He has over 20 years of financial industry experience with investment management software, data management systems design, messaging standards, product testing and project management. Mike has worked on a number of financial industry standards, including the Market Data Definition Language (MDDL), the FIX message standard and others, has sat on ISO committees for the ISO 20022 messaging standard and the corresponding ISO model for securities terms and currently sits on an ISO committee for ISO 20022 and industry messaging semantics.
Lars Toomre
BRC FinTech Corporation (“BRCF”)
Lars Toomre is BRC FinTech’s lead geek and leads the corporate team of BRC FinTech Corporation (“BRCF”) and its subsidiary, Brass Rat Capital LLC (“BRC”) both from Palm Beach County, Florida. Lars has had many pratfalls (and a “wee bit” of experience) as he has focused his professional career on uniquely adding value to financial firms and their business units. Lars organizes and helps teams to optimize Economic Value Added (“EVA”) and serves as a thought leader and trusted advisor for issues that involve ontologies (think “semantic” meaning of data objects), valuations, analytics, risk, technology, and financial data.
cbdc/public/cbdc_omg/00_front/6_authors.txt · Last modified: 2022/06/17 22:18 by terrance