1.0 Introduction | A brief introduction into the problem space, The Federal Reserve and the White Paper and the Object Management Group. |
2.0 Methodology | A brief overview of the methodology the OMG's CBDC WG used to formulate a response to the White Paper. |
3.0 White Paper Analysis | A breakdown of the White Paper discussion of a U.S. CBDC and the Desirements1) for that effort. Each Desirement is identified as to the page it was found on, its classification as a Benefit, Policy, Risks, Design, and a brief actionable statement. |
4.0 Common Elements | During the review of the 22 questions posed in the White Paper it was decided that there were some common elements that needed to be separately addressed in order to not repeat the same information in the response to multiple questions. |
5.0 Questions and Responses | The actual OMG response to the 22 direct questions posed in the White Paper. These are linked to other sections of the OMG's CBDC WG response such as the Common Elements and also other questions. The OMG's CBDC WG responded to all the questions, however, a few were felt to be beyond the scope of what the OMG's CBDC WG members could respond to. |
6.0 Recommendations | The OMG's CBDC WG members wanted to make recommendations to the Federal Reserve for future activities in the area of a U.S. CBDC. They propose 12 different direct actions or activities. One of these activities involves the use of RDT&E funding to explore eight specific Research Development Test & Evaluation (RDT&E) topics. |