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Operational Analysis

UPDM 2.1 “Operational Activity” ⇒ “A logical process, specified independently of how the process is carried out. … An activity is an action performed in conducting the business of an enterprise. It is a general term that does not imply a placement in a hierarchy (…). It is used to portray operational actions not hardware/software system functions.”

SysML 1.4 “Use Case” ⇒ “…use case can also be viewed as functionality and/ or capabilities that are accomplished through the interaction between the subject and its actors…”

Curated Set

  • Operational Activities are placed here after peer discussion of the Proposed Set

Proposed Set

  • State your proposals here.

(Follow a pattern of [Tag Alias] Narrative sentential statements describing operational activity, not a System Function, Service Function, Requirement, Feature, or Benefit.)

  • [OPA-INFO-101] A stakeholder of a Model/Model Element who is not the editor of the entire set of information within the Model/Model Element needs curated information within the model in order to make decisions or present definitive information to other parties.
  • [OPA-ARGU-201] During an exchange of information between parties engaged in argumentation, one party challenges the veracity of Model/Model Element information and the other party must obtain the provenance of the curated information in order to provide a warrant for the claims made by the information.
  • [OPA-NTFY-301] A stakeholder responsible for contributing to or curating numerous models has too little spare time to poll each model in their scope of responsibility; this stakeholder needs to be notified when an area of interest within a particular model is subject to access or modification by selected individuals or communities of interest.
  • [OPA-AWAR-401] Two or more stakeholders are collaborating on a common model yet are not present in the same actual meeting place. Lacking body language clues, the stakeholders need to receive indication of their peer activities within the shared model.
  • [OPA-SECU-501] A community of stakeholders with differing permissions to view, modify, and relate information form a joint venture that exploits their respective capabilities to solve a complex problem. Meanwhile, the providers of information retain their information confidentiality rights.
  • [OPA-DIFF-601] An organization is requested to describe, present, or instantiate a system that was created some past time even perhaps with different knowledge tools and by individuals no longer associated with the organization. During such a representation, the organization is requested to demonstrate the differences between the current systems and the legacy systems.
  • [OPA-SECU-550] An enterprise-scale team which aggregates functional and domain teams from a variety of corporations works contemporaneously and serially on a common problem that requires access to different model elements in different lifecycle phases, different levels of abstraction, in different disciplines, and with different information access rights.

Definition of Terms

Source: See the OMG Specifications.

mbse/modelmgt/operational_analysis.1446316130.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/10/31 14:28 by lvanzandt