Stakeholder Analysis
The Open Group “Stakeholder” ⇒ “The individuals and groups within the organization who will contribute to the development of the architecture, those that will gain and those that will lose from its introduction…”
Curated Set
Proposed Set
(Follow a pattern of [Tag Alias] adjectival-prefixed Noun of a Business Service that describes a Stakeholder's Business Role, not a Title or a Fullname.)
[STKH-100] Acquiring Agent.
[STKH-200] Enterprise Architect.
[STKH-300] Partner Liaison.
[STKH-400] System(s) Engineer.
[STKH-500] Security Engineer.
[STKH-600] Standards Auditor.
[STKH-700] Requirements Engineer.
[STKH-800] Safety Engineer.
[STKH-900] Accountant.
[STKH-1000] Product Owner.
[STKH-1100] Contracts Manager.
[STKH-1200] Acquiring Agent. (aka “Buyer”, “User”, etc.)
[STKH-1300] Supplier Agent.
[STKH-1400] Ontologist.
Visual Aids
Stakeholder Roles with Decision-making Responsibility
Stakeholder Actors with Responsibility for Decision-making Roles
The ArchiMate notation here expresses the idea that Actors (people) are assigned Business Services (job descriptions or responsibilities) that realize one or more Business Roles.
Definition of Terms