Ontology Working Group Plan
Timespan increment: six months
Defines objective and scope of working group
Applies To: activity ontology working group
Goal: enabling knowledge reuse within model development
Success Criteria: work product that are illustrative and useful in model development and avoids impeding MBSE adoption ( a characteristic of many ontology activities)
Role In: deployment and adoption of MBSE
Maintain wiki
Defines scope of working group
Defines taxonomy of ontologies needed for SE
Develops criteria for representing & using an ontology within SysML
Develop use case of system model that uses library of ontologies
Translate model into OWL2 and do reasoning experiment
Outreach, e.g., webinars, etc.
Define anticipated ontology benefits (and costs)
Define/prioritize ontology issues
Develop plan to address high priority issues
Identify potential collaborations with other INCOSE WG, Chapters, etc.
Identify potential collaborations with other related efforts (e.g. professional societies/standards group, academia, industry)
Is Component Plan Of: INCOSE MBSE initiative
is Input To: Standards for model development
Has Outputs: deliverables above and maintenance of wiki
requires Inputs: legacy ontology work, relevant related work
requires Resources: wiki resource support, funding and personnel for some of the tasks above
Responsibilities: OWG team
mbse/ontology_working_group_plan.txt · Last modified: 2010/11/04 19:53 by yvonne