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INCOSE/OMG MBSE Patterns Working Group

The MBSE Patterns Working Group (formerly the Pattern-Based Systems Engineering (PBSE) Challenge Team) is a component of the INCOSE/OMG Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) Initiative ( ). The approved INCOSE Working Group Charter is a 2016 update of the original 2013 team INCOSE/OMG charter. The base INCOSE working group page for the MBSE Patterns Working Group is found here:

1. Purpose:

1.1. Conceptual Summary:

As used here, System Patterns are configurable, re-usable System Models that would otherwise be like those expected and found in the practice of MBSE (not limited to, but including, SysML models). Through the availability and use of System Patterns, the outcomes targeted by MBSE models are made more accessible, in terms of ease (and skill) of generation and use, associated modeling cost, schedule, risk, completeness, and consistency, etc. Over time, System Patterns become points of accumulation of organizational learning and expertise. Because they are configurable and re-usable models of families or classes of systems, model-based System Patterns involve some additional methods and disciplines that extend the ideas of MBSE (e.g., Pattern Management, Configuration Rules, model minimality, etc.).

This model-based PBSE approach has been in use for a number of years, applied across enterprises and domains that include mil/aerospace, communications, automotive, medical/health care, advanced manufacturing, consumer products, along with business processes including sales, engineering, production, and general innovation. The first INCOSE PBSE tutorial was provided at IS2005, another given at GLRC2012, another at IS2013, and another at GRLC2013. Attendees at the IS2013 tutorial expressed interest in an ongoing INCOSE PBSE group. A number of papers and tutorials on this approach have been published, some reproduced here.

1.2. Specific Challenge:

The PBSE Challenge Team will advance the availability of model-based System Patterns and related PBSE resources, and awareness of them, increasing the availability and successful use of System Models across the life cycle of systems. Specifically, this will be accomplished by meeting the following challenge:

Generating two or more MBSE models across multiple systems and system domains from single system pattern asset(s) leveraged across them. The specific domains and systems will be chosen based on the team membership’s priority interests, but are currently expected to include at least one multiple-configuration manufactured product line system, as well as the manufacturing system that produces it. This challenge will include quantification of the demonstrated economies or other gains obtained through pattern asset leverage, and the infrastructure (e.g., tools, processes) necessary to support those gains.

1.3. Form of Pattern-Based Systems Engineering (PBSE) Targeted by this Challenge Team

The term “pattern” appears repeatedly in the history of design, such as civil architecture[15], software design[16], and systems engineering[17]. Those “patterns” represent regularities that repeat, modulo some variable aspects, across different instances in space and time. However, in this project when we refer to “Patterns” and “PBSE”, we will mean the use of S*Patterns, and these have the following distinguishing characteristics.

S*Patterns are Model-Based, and that is why this Challenge Team is slotted into the MBSE Initiative. We are referring to patterns represented by formal system models. Among the historical “design patterns”, certain of these were based on descriptions that were not formal system models. Although they are always models, S*Patterns are not dependent on any single system modeling language, and are readily expressed in SysML, IDEF, or other formal modeling languages. Independent of the specific modeling language, S*Models always conform to the underlying S*Metamodel, which is the smallest model sufficient to the purposes of engineering and science.[8]

The S*Metamodel explicates Physical Interactions–state-impacting exchange of energy, force, mass, or information. Such interactions are the basis of substantially all the laws (patterns, regularities) of the physical sciences. Systems Engineering should have as strong a foundation as the other engineering disciplines, which are likewise based upon laws describing physical interactions.

The scope of S*Patterns are “Whole Systems“. An S*Pattern is effectively a formal model of a platform or product line system, or a whole system domain. Earlier examples of historical “design patterns” were frequently about smaller repeating component or subsystem patterns, used as deemed applicable, and in some cases provided detail mostly for the design part of the pattern. By contrast, the scope of S*Patterns includes system requirements, designs, and other S*Model information such as verification, failure analysis, etc.

S*Patterns are formally configurable, using automated algorithms, portable across numerous third-party COTS engineering tools and databases, to rapidly generate many specific system requirement/design configurations (including failure mode analyses) from desired platform or product family features.

2. Measures of Success

Targeted stakeholder and related measures of success are:

System Innovation / Development Teams: Enjoy the benefits of MBSE with lower per-project model-origination and refinement time, effort, skill load, and risk, by employing configured System Patterns as early draft models.

System Modelers: Extend the span of influence of skilled individual modelers by making their models effectively available, applicable, and impactful to more projects, systems, and products.

Product Line Managers, Platform Managers, Portfolio Managers: Improve the effectiveness of families-of-systems disciplines, measured in terms of economic leverage. System Verification Teams: Improve the performance of system verification planning and execution in high risk or complexity systems.

System Life Cycle Groups: Improve satisfaction with the early fit of systems to the learned needs of system life cycle communities, including manufacturing, distribution, end user, operations, and maintenance, over a broad range of issues that should not be re-discovered each generation (functionality, safety, many other aspects).

Tool Suppliers: Improve the ROI demonstrated by tools.

Enterprises: Improve organizational-level learning across individual people and projects, reducing occurrences of re-learning the same lessons and repeating the same mistakes.

3. Plan Overview / Description:

Phase 1: (Time period to be established)

1. Supplement start-up team membership with other interested team members, sharing and refining charter and gaining team buy-in to this plan.

2. Bring team membership to a common level of PBSE understanding, using PBSE Tutorials conducted in recent years at IS, GLRC, and chapter levels, including example System Pattern content.

3. Identify target products for near-term work by the team:

a. Target System Patterns b. Target System Pattern Applications c. Business Process Implications Model of PBSE d. Demonstration of PBSE support in Tools and Information Systems e. PBSE Tutorials f. Other target products

Phase 2: (Time period to be established)

4. Create and validate targeted Challenge Team products, prioritized from above Phase 3: (Time period to be established)

5. Make Challenge Team products available to INCOSE membership, extending benefits.

Resources, Projects, References by Subject

Foundations and Paths to Stronger SE How INCOSE and the systems community are visualizing and reaching out to the future. How the INCOSE MBSE Patterns Working Group is applying a stronger foundation based on the System Phenomenon and the history of patterns in the physical sciences and mathematics to enhance and transform the foundation capabilities of Systems Engineering.
PBSE Introduction, Basic Subjects, Tutorials, Education
Starter Kit for S*Pattern Builders
Strengthened Foundations of Systems Engineering and Systems Science
S*Patterns--IP Landscape
Paths to the Futures of Systems Engineering
Model Communities Outreach
The Innovation PatternThe formal systems pattern reference framework that describes systems innovation in all its forms, configurable for planning and analyzing specific plans, situations, and roadmaps. A framework in which Systems Engineering (or any system life cycle management) of any method and organization referencing ISO15288 and the INCOSE SE Handbook, and the use of MBSE Patterns in particular, can be planned, organized, deployed, analyzed, and managed, and continuously advanced over time.
Patterns in the Public Square--Innovation in Regulated Domains
Augmented Intelligence in Systems Engineering
Systems Engineering as a Complex System
Innovation Ecosystem Introduction Project
Credibility of Models–Trust in Patterns Models are increasingly used to support more critical and impactful decisions. Models are increasingly used by people or organizations other than those who authored them. Accordingly, trust in the credibility of models will only become more important to manage over time. What are the principles and practices for establishing, representing, communicating, and managing trust in models over their life cycles? How does the credibility of recurring patterns reduce the cost of establishing and maintaining that trust?
Model Wrapper, Model Characterization Pattern
Trusted Model Repository Pattern
Maps to Frameworks, Schema, ToolsThere are growing lists of architectural frameworks, reference architectures, ontologies, metamodels, and similar underlying semantic constructs, used as the basis for models of systems, automation tooling, product lines, and otherwise. Mapping the S*Metamodel to these provides an expanded means for understanding and using a given framework, schema, or tool. This includes making S*Models and S*Patterns tool agnostic, portable across modeling languages, and for supporting automated reasoning and more basic queries about models in different systems.
Mappings to Frameworks, Schema, and Tools
Semantic Technologies
S*Pattern Configuration Wizard
Domain Patterns S*Patterns are about recurring things within some general or narrow environment, referred to as a domain. The following illustrates S*Patterns across different application domains.
General Land Vehicle Pattern
Oil Filter Product Line Pattern
Construction Equipment Patterns
Lawnmower Product Line Pattern
Embedded Intelligence (EI) Pattern
General Manufacturing Pattern
Interface Patterns
General Mechanical Bracket Pattern
SoS Patterns

Collaborations, Partners, Shared Interest Groups

Most of the projects performed by the INCOSE MBSE Patterns WG are performed jointly with other INCOSE Working Groups or with organizations outside INCOSE, having mutual interests. The matrix below summarizes the different entities we work with, and refers to resulting items in the Resources, Activities, and Projects matrix above.

Primary Working Group and Partners Meeting Materials--By Event

The following table lists chronological meetings, workshops, and other events participated in by the MBSE Patterns Working Group. The links on the right side of the following table link to event-specific minutes, resources, references, and materials:

Event_Date_._._._Event_Milestone_._._._._._._._._._._._._StatusPoint_of_Contact_._._._._.Link to References
June, 2013Provide PBSE Tutorial at IS2013DoneBill Schindel, Troy Peterson
Aug, 2013Gain agreement of MBSE leadershipDoneBill Schindel, Troy Peterson
Jul-Aug 2013Collect initial team members, refine charterDoneBill Schindel, Troy Peterson
Oct, 2013Provide PBSE Tutorial at GLRC2013DoneBill Schindel, Troy Peterson
Dec, 2013Challenge team wiki page createdDoneBill Schindel
Jan 27, 2014Challenge team mtg IW2014DoneBill Schindel, Troy PetersonPatterns_Challenge_Team_Mtg_01.27.14
June 29-30, 2014Challenge team mtg IS2014DoneBill Schindel, Troy PetersonPatterns_Challenge_Team_Mtg_06.29-30-14
Aug 12-14, 2014Challenge team at NDIA GVSETS 2014DoneBill Schindel, Troy PetersonPatterns_Challenge_Team_NDIA 2014 GVSETS
Aug 18, 2014Challenge team mtgDoneBill Schindel, Troy PetersonPatterns_Challenge_Team_Mtg_08.18.14
Sep 02, 2014Challenge team mtgDoneBill Schindel, Troy PetersonPatterns_Challenge_Team_Mtg_09.02.14
Sep 15, 2014Challenge team mtgDoneBill Schindel, Troy PetersonPatterns_Challenge_Team_Mtg_09.15.14
Sep 30, 2014Challenge team mtgDoneBill Schindel, Troy PetersonPatterns_Challenge_Team_Mtg_09.30.14
Oct 14, 2014Challenge team mtgDoneBill Schindel, Troy PetersonPatterns_Challenge_Team_Mtg_10.14.14
Oct 28, 2014Challenge team mtgDoneBill Schindel, Troy PetersonPatterns_Challenge_Team_Mtg_10.28.14
Nov 10, 2014Challenge team mtgDoneBill Schindel, Troy PetersonPatterns_Challenge_Team_Mtg_11.10.14
Dec 17, 2014Challenge team mtgDoneBill Schindel, Troy PetersonPatterns_Challenge_Team_Mtg_12.17.14
Jan 12, 2015Challenge team mtgDoneBill Schindel, Troy PetersonPatterns_Challenge_Team_Mtg_01.12.15
Jan 26-27, 2015Challenge team mtg IW2015DoneBill Schindel, Troy PetersonPatterns_Challenge_Team_Mtg_01.26-27.15
Mar 17, 2015Challenge team mtgDoneBill Schindel, Troy PetersonPatterns_Challenge_Team_Mtg_03.17.15
Apr 21, 2015Challenge team mtgDoneBill Schindel, Troy PetersonPatterns_Challenge_Team_Mtg_04.21.15
May 19, 2015Challenge team mtgDoneBill Schindel, Troy PetersonPatterns_Challenge_Team_Mtg_05.19.15
June 16, 2015Challenge team mtgDoneBill Schindel, Troy PetersonPatterns_Challenge_Team_Mtg_06.16.15
June 14, 2015ASEE System Competencies WorkshopDoneMario SimoniASEE_2015_Systems_Competencies_Workshop_06.14.15
July 12-13, 2015Challenge team mtg IS2015DoneBill Schindel, Troy PetersonPatterns_Challenge_Team_Mtg_07.12-13.15
Jan 12, 2016Patterns WG mtgDoneBill Schindel, Troy PetersonPatterns_Challenge_Team_Mtg_01.12.16
Jan 30-31, 2016Patterns WG mtg IW2016DoneBill Schindel, Troy PetersonPatterns_Challenge_Team_Mtg_01.30-31.16
May 24-25, 2016MBSE Patterns WG Participation in INCOSE Agile Health Care Systems ConferenceDoneBill Schindel, Troy PetersonMBSE Patterns_WG_Participation in Agile HC Conference May 2016
July 5, 2016MBSE Patterns WG mtgDoneBill Schindel, Troy PetersonMBSE Patterns_WG_Mtg_07.05.16
July 17,2016MBSE Patterns WG mtg IS2016DoneBill Schindel,Troy PetersonMBSE Patterns_WG_Team_Mtg_07.17.16
July 28,2016MBSE Patterns WG Participation in ISSS2016DoneBill SchindelMBSE Patterns_WG_Participation_In_ISSS2016_Mtg_07.28.16
Sept 18-21, 2016MBSE Patterns WG Participation in GLRC2016DoneBill SchindelMBSE Patterns_WG_Participation_In_GLRC2016_09.2016
Nov 7-8, 2016MBSE Patterns WG in ASME VV50 Cmtee on V&V of Models, Schenectady, NYDoneBill SchindelMBSE_Patterns_WG_Participation_In_ASME_VV50_11.7-8.16
Nov 28-29, 2016MBSE Patterns WG Partic in INCOSE/IEEE EnergyTech 2016, ClevelandDoneBill SchindelMBSE_Patterns_WG_Participation_In_Energy_Tech_2016
Jan 28-31, 2017MBSE Patterns WG Mtgs at IW2017DoneBill Schindel, Troy Peterson Patterns_Challenge_Team_Mtg_01.28-31.17
April 12, 2017MBSE Patterns WG Participation in INCOSE Enchantment Chapter Meeting (New Mexico)DoneBill Schindel Patterns_WG_Partic_Enchantment_Chapter,_04.12.17
May 2-5, 2017MBSE Patterns WG Participation in ASME Model V&V Symposium, Las VegasDoneBill Schindel Patterns_WG_Partic_ASME_Model_V&V_Symposium,_05.2-5.17
May 16-17, 2017MBSE Patterns WG Participation in INCOSE Agile Health Care Systems Conf, ChicagoDoneBill Schindel Patterns_WG_Partic_INCOSE_Agile_Health_Care_Systems_Conf_05.16-17.17
May 21-24, 2017MBSE Patterns WG Participation in No Magic MBSE Symposium, Allen, TXDoneBill Schindel Patterns_WG_Partic_No_Magic_MBSE_Symposium_05.21-24.17
June 5-9, 2017MBSE Patterns WG Partic. in AIAA Aviation 2017, DenverDoneBill Schindel, Troy PetersonMBSE_Patterns_WG_Partic_In_AIAA_Aviation_2017_06.05-09.17
July 15-17, 2017MBSE Patterns WG Meetings at IS2017DoneBill Schindel, Troy Peterson Patterns_Challenge_Team_Mtg_07.15-17.17
Oct 12-14, 2017INCOSE Great Lakes Conference GLRC11 DoneBill Schindel GLRC11_10.12.17
Oct 31- Nov 1, 2017MBSE Patterns WG Partic in INCOSE/IEEE/NASA EnergyTech 2017, ClevelandDoneBill SchindelMBSE_Patterns_WG_Participation_In_Energy_Tech_2017
Jan 20-23, 2018MBSE Patterns WG Partic in INCOSE IW2108 Jacksonville, FLDoneBill SchindelMBSE_Patterns_WG_Participation_In_INCOSE_IW2018
April, 2018MBSE Patterns WG Partic in IFSR Conversation 2018, Linz, AustriaDoneBill SchindelMBSE_Patterns_WG_Participation_In_2018_IFSR_Conversation
May, 2018MBSE Patterns WG Partic in INCOSE 2018 Health Care Systems Conference, Minneapolis, MNDoneBill SchindelMBSE_Patterns_WG_Participation_In_INCOSE_Health Care Systems Conference 2018
May, 2018MBSE Patterns WG Partic in Aerospace Corporation SE Forum, Chantilly, VADoneBill SchindelMBSE_Patterns_WG_Participation_In_Aerospace Corporation SE Forum May 2018
July, 2018MBSE Patterns WG Partic in INCOSE IS2018 Washington, DCDoneBill SchindelMBSE_Patterns_WG_Participation_In_INCOSE_IS2018
July, 2018MBSE Patterns WG Partic in ISSS2018 Corvallis, ORDoneBill SchindelMBSE_Patterns_WG_Participation_In_ISSS_IS2018
Oct, 2018MBSE Patterns WG Partic in SAE 2018 Standards Summit, Tyson's Corner, VADoneBill SchindelMBSE_Patterns_WG_Participation_In_SAE_2018_Standards_Summit
Oct, 2018MBSE Patterns WG Partic in INCOSE GLRC 2018 Indianapolis, INDoneBill SchindelMBSE_Patterns_WG_Participation_In_GLRC2018
Oct, 2018MBSE Patterns WG Partic in FDA PBSE Seminar, Washington DCDoneBill SchindelMBSE_Patterns_WG_Participation_In_FDA PBSE Seminar
Jan, 2019MBSE Patterns WG Partic in INCOSE IW2019, Torrance, CADoneBill SchindelMBSE_Patterns_WG_Participation_In_INCOSE_IW2019
May, 2019MBSE Patterns WG Partic in ASME Model V&V 2019 Symposium, Las Vegas, NVDoneBill SchindelMBSE_Patterns_WG_Participation_In_ASME_Model_V&V_2019_Symposium
May, 2019Model Characterization Pattern Workshop Prep, Indianapolis, INDoneBill SchindelModel_Characterization_Pattern_Workshop_Prep
July, 2019MBSE Patterns WG Partic in INCOSE IS2019, Orlando, FLDoneBill SchindelMBSE_Patterns_WG_Participation_In_INCOSE_IS2019
Oct, 2019MBSE Patterns WG Partic in ASSESS 2019, Atlanta, GADoneBill SchindelMBSE_Patterns_WG_Participation_In_ASSESS2019
January, 2020MBSE Patterns WG Partic in INCOSE IW2020, Torrance, CADoneBill SchindelMBSE_Patterns_WG_Participation_In_INCOSE_IW2020
January, 2021MBSE Patterns WG Partic in INCOSE IW2021 Virtual SessionsDoneBill SchindelMBSE_Patterns_WG_Participation_In_INCOSE_IW2021
April, 2021MBSE_Patterns_WG_Participation_In_ASME MBE Stds Cmtee Spring 2021 MtgsDoneBill SchindelMBSE_Patterns_WG_Participation_In_ASME MBE Stds Cmtee Spring 2021 Mtgs
May, 2021MBSE_Patterns_WG_Participation_In_ASME Model V&V 2021 SymposiumDoneBill SchindelMBSE_Patterns_WG_Participation_In_ASME_Model_V&V_2021_Symposium
April, 2021MBSE_Patterns_WG_Participation_In Big Lever Momentum 2021 ConferenceDoneBill SchindelMBSE_Patterns_WG_Participation_In Big Lever Momentum 2021 Conference
June, 2021MBSE_Patterns_WG_Participation_In Indiana Digital Thread Technical Exchange MeetingDoneBill SchindelMBSE_Patterns_WG_Participation_In Indiana Digital Thread Technical Exchange Meeting
December, 2021INCOSE_North_Texas_Chapter_ProgramDoneBill SchindelMBSE Patterns WG Participation In INCOSE North Texas Chapter Dec 2021 Program
January, 2022AIAA_SCITECH2022DoneJohn MatlikMBSE Patterns WG Support for AIAA Digital Twin Case Studies
January, 2022INCOSE_IW2022DoneBill Schindel, Troy PetersonMBSE Patterns WG Participation In INCOSE IW2022
June, 2022INCOSE North TX Chapter PgmDoneBill SchindelMBSE Patterns WG Participation In N TX Chapter Mtg
June, 2022INCOSE_IS2022DoneBill SchindelMBSE Patterns WG Participation In INCOSE IS2022
June, 2022AIAA AVIATION 2022DoneBill SchindelMBSE Patterns WG Participation In AIAA AVIATION 2022
Jan, 2023INCOSE IW 2023DoneBill Schindel, Troy PetersonMBSE Patterns WG Participation In IW 2023
April, 2023Maturity WorkshopDoneBill SchindelMBSE Patterns WG Participation In Maturity Workshop
June, 2023INCOSE SWE-NL Joint Chapters EventDoneBill SchindelMBSE Patterns WG Participation In Joint SWE-NL Chapters Innovation Workshop
August, 2023INCOSE_North_Texas_Chapter_ProgramDoneBill SchindelMBSE Patterns WG Participation In Aug 2023 N TX Chapter Mtg
Jan, 2024AIAA SciTech 2024DoneBill Schindel, Nigel TaylorMBSE Patterns WG Participation In AIAA SciTech2024
Jan, 2024INCOSE IW 2024DoneBill Schindel, Troy PetersonMBSE Patterns WG Participation In IW 2024
May, 2024ASME VVUQ 2024 SymposiumDoneBill SchindelMBSE Patterns WG Participation at ASME VVUQ 2024
May, 2024INCOSE N TX Chapter PgmDoneBill SchindelMBSE Patterns WG Participation In NTX May 2024 Mtg
May, 2024INCOSE MI Chapter PgmDoneBill SchindelMBSE Patterns WG Participation in MI May 2024 Mtg
July, 2024INCOSE IS 2024DoneBill Schindel, Troy PetersonMBSE Patterns WG Participation at IS2024
Aug, 2024INCOSE Leadership MtgDoneBill Schindel, Troy PetersonMBSE Patterns WG Meeting INCOSE Officers, Aug 27, 2024
Nov, 2024INCOSE CoA Chapter PgmDoneBill SchindelMBSE Patterns WG Participation in INCOSE CoA Chapter Mtg, Nov 24, 2024
Jan, 2025AIAA SciTech 2025DoneBill SchindelMBSE Patterns WG Participation in AIAA SciTech 2025, Jan 6-10, 2025
Jan, 2025INCOSE DEIX WGPendingBill SchindelMBSE Patterns WG Participation in INCOSE DEIX WG Mtg, Jan 21, 2025
Feb 2025INCOSE IW 2025PendingBill Schindel, Troy PetersonMBSE Patterns WG Participation in IW2025

Project Working Pages

Working Group Leadership

    Chair: Bill Schindel      ICTT System Sciences     [email protected]
    CO-chair: Troy Peterson   System Strategies, Inc.  [email protected]
mbse/patterns/patterns.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/22 15:00 by schindel