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SMSWG Meeting #17 (2016-11-29)

Meeting #17 of the NAFEMS-INCOSE Systems Modeling & Simulation Working Group (SMSWG) was held November 29, 2016 from 11:30- EDT as an online meeting.

Agenda distributed with meeting notice:

  1. Welcome and Introduction (Roger Burkhart, SMSWG Chair)
  2. Presentation on Modelica Association project “System Structure and Parameterization of Components for Virtual System Design” (Hubertus Tummescheit, Modelon)
  3. Announcement and overview of SMSWG Members Survey (Ed Ladzinski, SMS_ThinkTank)
  4. Roadmap Discussion (All)
  5. Plans for next meeting (Face-to-face and virtual, during INCOSE International Workshop in Torrance, CA, 9:00-12:00AM PST, Monday, January 30, 2017)

Following are slides presented at this meeting:

Modelica Association SSP Project Overview Hubertus Tummescheit (Modelon)

More detailed minutes are available on the SMSWG Collaborative Community, including a recording of the meeting. (SMSWG member access required. Request membership using the request form on the NAFEMS SMSWG page.)

(back to SMSWG)

mbse/smswg/2016-11-29.txt · Last modified: 2017/05/08 00:48 by rburkhart