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NAFEMS Webinar on Emerging Standards for MBSE (2019-02-21)

NAFEMS hosted a public webinar on Emerging Standards for Model-Based Systems Engineering on February 21, 2019, presented by Don Tolle of CIMdata. Additional materials including a webinar recording are available from NAFEMS (with full access to NAFEMS members).

Don is also lead for the Standards Ecosystem focus group of the SMSWG. Because of the high degree of overlap of his NAFEMS webinar presentation with the Standards Ecosystem focus group, Don is making his presentation slides available on this page.

Agenda for meeting

Time (ET)TopicPresenter
11:00-12:00 Emerging Standards for MBSE Don Tolle (CIMdata)

(back to SMSWG)

mbse/smswg/2019-02-21.txt · Last modified: 2019/04/09 11:31 by rburkhart