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SMSWG Meeting #34 (2019-12-10)

Meeting #34 of the NAFEMS-INCOSE Systems Modeling & Simulation Working Group (SMSWG) was held Tuesday, December 10, 2019 at 11:00 AM EST for one hour as an online meeting.

Agenda for meeting

Time (ET)TopicPresenter
11:00-12:00 MBSE 2.0 Mark Malinoski (Vitech Corporation)

Ed Ladzinski opened the meeting and introduced the speaker for the main presentation.

A recording of the meeting is available on the SMSWG Collaborative Community. (SMSWG member access required. Request membership using the request form on the NAFEMS SMSWG page.)

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mbse/smswg/2019-12-10.txt · Last modified: 2020/01/24 10:45 by rburkhart