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Space Systems Modeling

IW 2013 Material

We had a successful venture at the International Workshop in Jacksonville Florida 2013. All material presented is linked below:

IW 2013 Slides IW Videos Power Analysis Demonstration Communications/Requirements Demonstration Docweb/View Editor Demonstration


The purpose of the Space Systems Challenge team is to explore the use of MBSE in Space Systems and provide real world cases and examples of MBSE for Space Systems. This applies to both Systems that Fly in Space as well as the ground systems that control and communicate with space assets.

While much of the early MBSE initiative centered around SysML, this teams vision has conformed with the MBSE initiative of realizing MBSE with SysML being an enabler. Thus another aspect of the purpose of this team is helping define a path to MBSE that incorporates the newer technologies in terms of languages with existing methods and modeling techniques.

The Charge of the Challenge Team is changing its focus. Given the successes of FireSAT and other challenge teams and pilots done within NASA, our challenge now is to reach out further to practitioners and develop case studies for the results that MBSE achieves with used in actual projects.

Measure of Success

  • Represent Space Systems with Systems Models
  • Generate Systems Engineering Products from Models
    • * Documents and Reports
    • * Analysis of Models
  • Identify Limitations and Areas of Improvement for MBSE Methods, languages and Techniques
  • Systems Models as Integration with other Engineering disciplines
    • * relationship between sophisticated domain models and simulation and SE products
    • * increase fidelity and integrity of SE products
    • * understand impacts of change
  • Show benefits of MBSE in space systems projects
    • * Greater consistency of work products
    • * Reduced re-work effort
    • * Earlier identification of defects
    • * Better technical information support to operators

Topic Overview / Description

The Space Systems Challenge Team began with the Space Mission Analysis and Design text book as a source of broad industry knowledge and consensus. The FireSAT models are open and sharable in terms of ITAR and export issues.

===== Space Modeling Topics =====
* Modeling FireSat (SMAD)  (Complete)
* Suppport practitioner community (CubeSat)
* Modeling Mission Operations
* Modeling Deep Space Missions
===== Cross-Cutting Modeling Topics =====
* Model Based Reporting and Document Generation
* Model Transformations and QVT
* Ontology and DSL
* Temporal information and SysML
* Modeling Libraries
* Model Interchange, Integration with SysML and other Space System modeling tools (STK, JPL home-grown)
* Large-scale model life cycle management.


DateMilestoneStatusPoint of Contact
IW12 Have working CubeSat Model Started Ted/Dave/Sara
IW11 SysML and STK Started Dave/Manas/Chris
IW11 Modeling Model-Based Mission Operations Started Chris et al
IW11 Modeling Outer Planets Missions Started Chris
IW11 Space Mission Ontology and SysML Started Jenkins
IW11 Extending SysML with timelines and temporal information Started Chris
IW11 Modeling and Generating Documents Started Chris/Maddalena
IW11 State Analysis and SysML Started

Team Members

The team has varied over the years. These are the current active members:

NameOrganizationContact Information
Louise Anderson NASA/JPL
Christopher L. Delp NASA/JPL
Manas Bajaj InterCAX
Dave Kaslow AGI
Sara Spangelo University of Michigan
Marcus Wilkerson NASA/JPL
Bjorn Cole NASA/JPL <[email protected]

Past Team Members/Contributions:

Automated Document Generation from SysML/UML Models

Introduction Link to paper

mbse/space.txt · Last modified: 2013/01/31 19:46 by lweezy