Model Management Breakout sessions during INCOSE IW 2014
Saturday and Sunday are breakout session as part of the MBSE workshop
Saturday , Jan 25 - total breakout session time - 1:45 (time below is logical time)
00:00-00:10 - Introduction and goals, MM paper - status report- Amit Fisher
00:10-00:40 - Current practices and challenges in MM - Chris Delp, Systems Architect, NASA JPL
MM vendors presentations. Topic - how current solution address the MM requirement identified in our paper
00:40-01:00 - SPLM - Mark Sampson
01:00-01:20 -
PTC - Derek Piette
01:20-01:40 - IBM- Amit Fisher
01:40-01:45 - Summary
Sunday, Jan 26 - total breakout session time - 1:15 (time below is logical time)
00:20-00:40 - Intercax- Manas Bajaj
00:40-01:00 - Phoenix Integration, Grant Soremekun
01:00-1:15 - Summary, prepare to report back to general session
Monday , Jan 27 - Full day session (targeting 8:00-17:30, tentative ) . Room: Suite 5
08:00-09:00 – MM paper draft. Status, detailed review, comments, modifications – Open discussion moderated by Amit Fisher
09:00-9:45 - MM and OSLC4MBSE - Presentation - Axel Reichwein, CEO, Koneksys and Parham Vasaiely, Systems and Software Project Manager, Airbus Group
09:45-10:30 – MM and traditional configuration management - commonalties, differences and challenges - Nick Crossley, Technical Architect, Rational solution for Product Line Engineering
10:30-10:45 Break
MM Vendor demos
11:30-12:15- IBM – Gavin Arthurs P.E.,Solution Architect - Systems Engineering
12:15-13:00 – Siemens PLM - Mark Sampson
13:00-14:00 Lunch Break
14:00-14:45 –
PTC - Derek Piette
14:45-15:30 – NoMagic- Lonnie VanZandt
15:30-16:15 – Phoenix Integration, Hongman Kim
16:15-16:30 - Break
16:30-17:30 – Model Management Technical and Research agenda - 1-3 years roadmap - Open discussion – All
Link to MBSE MM wiki