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SysML v2 Tool Consideration Checklist


This list was developed for tool users and tool developers to use either as requirements or as items to consider when evaluating tools that implement SysML v2 capabilities.

Content derived from OUSD (R&E) publicly available material

Number Consideration
1. The Tool should help the user identify what is not conformant to the SysML v1 spec.
2. The Tool should re-enforce standard naming conventions.
3. The Tool should provide guidance on whether a model should be pre-processed or post processed.
4. The Tool should support incremental transformation of a SysML v1 model to a SysML v2 model.
5. The Tool should provide indication of the degree to which it complies with the transformation specification.
6. The Tool should generate validation error and warning messages to include what aspects of the transformation were not successful.
7. The Tool should provide the user with recommendations as to how best to reorganize a transformed SysML v2 model.
8. The Tool should show a comparison of the SysML v1 model against the SysML v2 model.
9. The Tool should support diagram layout when converting from a SysML v1 to a SysML v2 model.
10. The Tool should id artifacts changed during transformation.
11. The Tool should provide suggestions on ways to best partition a SysML v1 model so that it will better support conversion to a SysML v2 model.
12. The Tool should preserve all classification markings.
13. The Tool should support inspection of a SysML v1 model on classification markings.

In addition to the list above, the following are tool selection requirements from chapter 18.5 of “A Practical Guide to SysML, The Systems Modeling Language”, Third Edition.

Number Consideration
1. The Tool should be conformant to SysML v2.
2. The Tool should have an acceptable level of usability.
3. The Tool should include Document, view, and report generation capability.
4. The Tool should support access to model repository though the SysML v2 API.
5. The Tool should support integration with other engineering tools (including legacy tools within the existing systems development environment).
6. The Tool should maintain performance while supporting maximum number of users, model size requirements).
7. The Tool should support model checking to verify model conformance with well-formedness rules.
8. The Tool should provide training, online help, and support.
9. The Tool should support availability of model libraries (e.g., units).
10. The Tool should support lifecycle cost requirements (acquisition, training, support).
11. The Tool should support other lifecycle requirements (e.g., configuration, installation, operation, support upgrade).
12. The Tool should support required model-based methods (e.g., scripts that automate certain parts of the method, standard reports, etc.).
13. The Tool should support required customizations such as profiles, notational enhancements, (e.g., iconic representations).

Content derived from OUSD (R&E) publicly available material

mbse/sysml_v2_transition/tool_consideration_checklist.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/29 18:39 by fsalvatore