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Each use case identified for the usability study are listed below. The use cases are idealized with a proposed exemplar. Each tool is then used to demonstrate the exemplar. Usability metrics are measured and shared with the vendors and users.

We are in the process of figuring out a framework to capture and measure the usability. Here are four sample high-value use cases:

The following template is used for each page:

Use Case Name

Description of the use case

Ideal exemplar Powerpoint (Upload filename = UseCase#V#.pptx) where the first # is the number in the list and the second number is the sequential version number. For example UseCase1V1.pptx is the exemplar for the first usecase in the list above and the first file upload in the list.)

  1. List of file exemplar files

Comment on the ideal exemplar (Format for a comment is My name - PPT file name - Comment.)

  1. List of comments

Tool implementation (Upload filename - Model#V#.eee where the first # is the number in the list and the second number is the sequential version number and eee is the extension of the modeling tool.

mbse/usabilityteamexemplars.txt · Last modified: 2016/07/14 11:10 by gtoledo