====== Quantities, Units, Dimensions, Values (QUDV) ====== A working group of the SysML 1.2 Revision Task Force (%%RTF%%) has completed a proposed conceptual model for Quantities, Units, Dimensions, Values (QUDV) to define systems of units and quantities for use in system models. This page is being maintained to coordinate with other groups and projects looking at similar topics. ====== Drafts ====== If accepted by the SysML 1.2 %%RTF%%, a new non-normative Annex C.5, specifying the QUDV Conceptual Model, will be added to the Version 1.2 update of the SysML specification. This draft Annex is being made available here on this page for any other groups who may find it useful or who can help provide feedback: | {{sysml-qudv:annex_c.5_2009-07-27.pdf}} | ====== References ====== This work is based on concepts of the International Vocabulary of Metrology (VIM), which may be obtained at the following link: | International Vocabulary of Metrology (VIM) 3rd edition 2008 | [[http://www.bipm.org/en/publications/guides/vim.html]] | The current version of the SysML specification is 1.1, which is available at the following link: | %%OMG%% Systems Modeling Language (%%OMG%% SysML) Version 1.1 | [[http://www.omg.org/spec/SysML/1.1/]] |