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SysML and Modelica Integration

At the December 2008 meeting in Santa Clara, the Systems Engineering DSIG decided to create a working group to explore the synergies between SysML and Modelica ( This Wiki-page is used to communicate among the working group members.

Work Group Members

Work Group Leader: Axel Reichwein,, Koneksys

Work Group Members:

  • Yves Bernard
  • Roger Burkhart
  • Wuzhu Chen
  • Lenny Delligatti
  • Hans-Peter de Koning
  • Sandy Friedenthal
  • Peter Fritzson
  • Nerijus Jankevicius
  • Alek Kerzhner
  • Chris Paredis
  • Axel Reichwein
  • Nicolas Rouquette
  • Wladimir Schamai
  • Parham Vasaiely


Implementations of the SysML-Modelica transformation are available open-source on GitHub.

MagicDraw plugin for Modelica has been updated on February 22, 2016 to support OpenModelica 1.9.3 and MagicDraw 18.2 (and earlier versions).

SysML-Modelica Transformation (SyM™)

The current version is found here.

RTF Files

SysML Model-Based Testing - Presentation by Fabrice Bouquet

Modim: A JVM implementation of Modelica

Modeling Modelica Interfaces with SysML v1.3

SysML-Modelica: A Redefinition & Modification Use Case

FTF2 All Submitted Files

SysML-Modelica FTF 2.0 All Files

SysML-Modelica FTF 2.0 All Files

FTF2 Issues to be Submitted and Addressed

SysML-Modelica FTF 2.0 Ballot 2 Resolutions

SysML-Modelica FTF 2.0 Ballot 1 Resolutions

SysML4Modelica profile in OMG-grade XMI 2.4

FTF Issues to be Submitted and Addressed

SysML-Modelica Transformation Specification Documents

SysML-Modelica FTF 1.0 Report (ptc/11-08-13) approved by OMG:

current draft of the beta version:

approved by OMG for public comment on 6-25-10:

SysML-Modelica Transformation Specification Presentations and Papers

Overview presentation at the 2010 INCOSE International Symposium:

Related Papers

Maintaining Consistency between System Architecture and Dynamic System Models with SysML4Modelica Axel Reichwein, Christiaan J.J. Paredis, Arquimedes Canedo, Petra Witschel, Philipp Emanuel Stelzig, Anjelika Votintseva and Rainer Wasgint, 6th International Workshop on Multi-Paradigm Modeling - MPM'12, Innsbruck, Austria, October 1, 2012.

Comparative Study of Model-Based and Multi-Domain System Engineering Approaches for Industrial Settings Anjelika Votintseva, Petra Witschel, Nikolaus Regnat, Philipp Emanuel Stelzig, in Proceedings of the 8th European Conference, ECMFA 2012, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark, July 2-5, 2012.

Integrating models and simulations of continuous dynamics into SysML Thomas Johnson, Aleksandr Kerzhner, Christiaan J. J. Paredis, Roger Burkhart, J. Comput. Inf. Sci. Eng., Volume 12, Issue 1, March 2012.

Analysis of a Complex System for Electrical Mobility Using a Model-Based Engineering Approach Focusing on Simulation Anjelika Votintseva, Petra Witschel, Andreas Goedecke, in Proceedings of CAS 2011, Int. Conference on Complex Adaptive systems, Oct. 31-Nov.2, 2011, Chicago, Illinois, Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier, Volume 6, 2011, pp.57-62

Towards Unified System Modeling and Simulation with ModelicaML: Modeling of Executable Behavior Using Graphical Notations Wladimir Schamai, Peter Fritzson, Chris Paredis, Adrian Pop, Proceedings of the 7th International Modelica Conference, Como, Italy, 20-22 September 2009.

Interactive Simulation of SysML Models using Modelica Parham Vasaiely, Bachelor Thesis, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, 2009.

Integrating models and simulations of continuous dynamics into SysML Thomas Johnson, Christiaan J.J. Paredis, Roger Burkhart, Proceedings of the 6th International Modelica Conference, Bielefeld, Germany, 03-04 March, 2008.

Towards Unified Systems Modeling with the ModelicaML UML Profile Adrian Pop, David Akhvlediani, Peter Fritzson, Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Equation-Based Object-Oriented Languages and Tools (EOOLT’07), Berlin, Germany, July 30, 2007.

The use of the UML within the modelling process of Modelica-models Christoph Nytsch-Geusen, Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Equation-Based Object-Oriented Languages and Tools (EOOLT’07), Berlin, Germany, July 30, 2007.

Version History

Model Files of Profile and Examples

For the most recent version of the models, please, refer to the svn repository:

  • Dec 31, 2009: To install the refactored model:
    • In your MD 16.6 installation directory, <install.root>, create the following folders:
      • <install.root>/profiles/OMG SysML-Modelica/
      • <install.root>/modelLibraries/OMG SysML-Modelica/
    • Save the modules above as indicated.
    • You can save the modelica-sysml_profile_and_examples_v0.18.mdzip project anywhere.
  • * A modelica class definition of some kind maps to a SysML class of some «SysML4Modelica::ModelicaClassDefinition» kind.
  • * Modelica class extension maps to SysML class generalization + redefinition.

Presentations for Weekly Working Group Meetings

Presentations at SE DSIG Meetings


Working Area

Each work group participant should feel free to post comments or link to documents in this area. Please identify and date your comments, and do not delete other comments without coordinating any updates. Any significant comments posted in this area can also be sent to the [email protected] mailing list so that they become part of the permanent RTF archive.

sysml-modelica/sysml_and_modelica_integration.txt · Last modified: 2016-02-22 16:41 by areichwein