A working group of the SysML 1.2 Revision Task Force (RTF), working in close coordination with the OMG MARTE specification group, has completed a proposed conceptual model for Quantities, Units, Dimensions, Values (QUDV) to define systems of units and quantities for use in system models. This page is being maintained to coordinate with other groups and projects looking at similar topics. Both OMG SysML and OMG MARTE have the goal to share a common model of systems of units and quantities to support both these specifications and to align them with future international standards.
If accepted as part of the SysML 1.2 RTF revision process, a new non-normative Annex C.5, specifying the QUDV Conceptual Model, will be added to the Version 1.2 update of the SysML specification. This draft Annex is being made available here for anyone who may find it useful or who can provide feedback:
Model Library for Quantities, Units, Dimensions and Values (QUDV) |
annex_c.5_2009-08-26.pdf |
Additional material, including UML serializations of the QUDV model and further examples, is expected to be added in this section.
Mailing List
A discussion list, [email protected], is available for issues pertaining specifically to the QUDV Conceptual Model. To request a subscription to this list, send an email toqudv-request@omg.org. A publicly available archive of this mailing list is available at http://www.omg.org/publicarchives/qudv/.
QUDV model as OWL ontology
A first attempt has been made to represent the QUDV model as an ontology expressed in OWL 2 (W3C Web Ontology Language v2) using the Protégé v4 tool. For details go to QUDV OWL.
This work is based on concepts of the International Vocabulary of Metrology (VIM), which may be obtained at the following link:
International Vocabulary of Metrology (VIM) 3rd edition 2008 |
http://www.bipm.org/en/publications/guides/vim.html |
The current version of the SysML specification is 1.1, which is available at the following link:
OMG Systems Modeling Language (OMG SysML) Version 1.1 |
http://www.omgsysml.org/#Specification |
The current version of the MARTE specification is 1.0. The MARTE specification is in its last steps of finalization by OMG, but the current beta specification is available at the following page:
UML Profile for MARTE (Modeling and Analysis of Real-time and Embedded systems) |
http://www.omgmarte.org/Specification.htm |
Ontolog Community links:
Ontolog Panel Discussion: Towards A Quantities and Units of Measure Ontology-based Standard - Fri 19-Jun-2009 |
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2009_06_19 |
From the link:
During the OntologySummit2009_Symposium, the “Quantities and Units of Measure” was identified as a candidate ontology-based standard that folks from the standards community and the ontology community can (and should) work together on. Further momentum has been developing through the active discussion among the community members on this matter in the [ontology-summit] mailing list, prompting us to put this session together.
Communiqué: Toward Ontology-based Standards |
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologySummit2009_Communique |
From the link:
The joint communities of ontologists and standards developers represented at this year's summit hereby endorse the application of ontology science and engineering to standards. Some good examples of this kind of approach are illustrated by the following list of concrete, near-term projects.
• A harmonized ontology of units and dimensions
uom-ontology-std Mailing List Announcement:
… this [uom-ontology-std] mailing list, as well as the other workspaces for the Quantity and Unit of Measure Ontology-based Standard initiative is now online.
Please start making use of this to move this initiative forward. If there are other individuals you can think of that will be interested to join us in this effort, please alert them and invite them to subscribe to this mailing list (by sending a blank email to uom-ontology-std@ontolog.cim3.net).
Ontolog Quantities and Unit of Measure (UoM) Wiki |
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?UoM |
This Ontolog wiki includes additional links to related work.
More links to come …