Back to System Modeling Assessment and Roadmap Working Group
SME Concept Leads,
The attached Word document includes the feedback on your presentations from the System Modeling Assessment & Roadmap WG meeting in Cambridge, Mass on September 24, 2014. Comments are provided from Yves Bernard, Tao Yue, and Shaukat Ali, and myself. Can you please review and provide your plan to review these comments and discuss your plans to address them at our next telecon on Wednesday, October 28 at 11:00 AM ET. In particular, I would ask you to be prepared to present your updated concepts at our Working Group meeting in La Jolla. As part of the update, please review and update the attached a spreadsheet that represents a preliminary list of services that support the 7 SME capabilities (e.g., model construction, visualization, analysis, management, interoperability, workflow, collaboration). This spreadsheet is referenced in my feedback to you. The tentative plan is to hold a 2 day meeting on Tuesday and Thursday, December 8 and 10th to review the updated concepts in some degree of detail.
The status of the actions from the Cambridge WG meeting are included below. Please review and address. Thank you for your help in this critical initiative.
00-SysML v2-Meeting Summary-Cambridge-Friedenthal-2015-09-24-feedback to Concept Leads
01-SysML v2-Planning & Reqts-Friedenthal-2015-09-24
02-SysML v2-SE Use Cases Status-Watson-2015-09-24
03-SysML v2-SE Concept Model-Domain-Watson-2015-09-24
04-SysML v2-SE Concept Model-Kernel-Galey-2015-09-24
05-SysML v2-Formalization-Compilation approach-Bernard-2015-09-24
06-SysML v2-System Analysis-Bajaj-2015-09-24
07-SysML v2-Model Construction Concept-Williamson-2015-09-24
Model Visualization Concept-Schreiber-Feingold-2015-09-24-v1.1
09-SysML v2-Model Interoperability Requirements-Reichwein-2015-09-24
10-SysML v2-Model Management Concept-Hart-2015-09-24
11-PLM4MBSE WG Update-Kaufmann-2015-09-24 V1.0
12-Emerging Standards for MBSE Environments-Eisenmann-2015-09-24_SysML2.0_10-23_SystemModeling_v6
13-Experiences-Multi-Disciplinary-Concurrent-MBSE-de Koning-2015-09-24-v2
14-Open MBEE and EMS-Delp-2015-09-22
15-SysML v1-Model Execution Approach and Issues-Karban-2015-09-24-v4