Tuesday 21 March 2023
Time Primary
08:00 OMG Cross Consortia Welcome Breakfast
Join the Digital Twin Consortium, the Industry IoT Consortium, BPM+ Health, and the Augmented Reality for Enterprise Alliance for a quick networking breakfast to kick off our week of Cross Consortia Welcome Session and Keynote.
08:45 OMG Cross Consortia Opening & Welcome
09:00 Cross-Consortia Keynote: Realizing the Value of Digital Transformation: A Look at the Essential Ecosystems and Infrastructure

Presenter: Dr Adam Drobot, Chairman of the Board, Open Tech Works

Digital Transformation is solving many of today’s complex business and societal problems. Successful enterprises are realizing its value by harnessing the power of computing, communications, data, and the human mind. In his keynote address, Adam Drobot will look at three factors influencing Digital Transformation success: 

1. Technological advancements, 

2.  New infrastructures and tools that lower the economic bar for enterprises to scale products, services, and internal processes,

3.  A strategy shift to embrace collaboration and shared resources, within enterprises and across a larger ecosystem.  

The session will address opportunities and challenges for organizations to achieve success in their Digital Transformation journey, with considerations for innovation, efficiency, and user experience. The impact on influential paradigms will be discussed. These include Digital Twins, the IoT, IT and OT, the Metaverse, Industrie 4.0, and Cyber-physical systems. 

 Biography: Adam Drobot is the Chairman of the Board of OpenTechWorks, Inc. He serves on the Boards of multiple early-stage companies and non-profit organizations. His activities include strategic consulting, start-ups, non-profits, and industry associations. He is a current member of the FCC Technological Advisory Council. Over the years, he has been active in IEEE, serving as the Chair of multiple committees, including the IEEE IoT Initiative.

10:00 Morning Break
10:30 Keynote: Digital Twins for Digital Transformation in Manufacturing

Presenter: Randy Langmead, Technical Fellow, Siemens

11:15 Ridge to Reef: Using Digital Twins to Maintain and Sustain Vital Rainforest

Presenter: Stephen Aarington, President, Dream Machine Foundation

12:00 Lunch Break
13:00 AECO Liaison: NIBS Update

Presenter: Marc Goldman, ESRI

13:20 Working Group Updates and Opportunities

Presenter: Dan Isaacs, CTO, DTC

Description: Learn about how to engage with the wide variety of opportunities available within the Digital Twin Consortium's Working Groups, Subgroups, Initiatives, Regional Branch Organizers and Liaison Partners.
14:15 Afternoon Break
14:30 Working Group Roundtables

Description: In this session we will break off into separate Working Groups for a variety of activities to include:
  • Examination of Digital Twin use cases
  • Open and interactive discussions on priority topics chosen by the groups
16:00 Strategic DTC Initiative Tiger Team Status Update

Presenter: Ron Zahavi, Executive Director, DTC

Description: Discussion and brainstorming of use cases for the sustainability/interoperability/industrial metaverse cross-working group initiatives
17:00 Wrap Up
Wednesday 22 March 2023
Time Primary
09:00 Cross-Consortia Diversity Across Industries Panel

Object Management Group (OMG) will host a roundtable discussion on Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) with members from across our consortia who will discuss D&I from their unique perspectives. The Roundtable will take place at the OMG Q1 Meeting, on Wednesday, March 22, 2023, at 9am Eastern. Participants:

  • Erin Bournival, Distinguished Engineer, Office of the Corporate CTO at Dell Technologies, IIC Vocabulary Task Group Chair, and DTC Healthcare & Life Sciences Chair
    Topic: The use of inclusive language within standards development. Erin will also moderate the roundtable.

  • Melvin Greer, Ph.D., Intel Fellow, Chief Data Scientist, U.S. Enterprise
    Topic: The Impact of Web 3.0 technologies on DEI initiatives.

  • Nadine Alameh, Ph.D., CEO, Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
    Topic: Accelerating D&I by bridging domains and disciplines that digital twins pull from, such as the geospatial domain.

  • Elisa Kendall, Thematix Partners LLC, Lead Ontologist, EDM Council, OMG Board of Directors, and Architecture Board Member
    Topic: EDM’s work to advocate for gender equality, inclusivity, and women. She’ll also talk about her own mentoring work for women in computing.
10:00 Morning Break
10:30 Keynote: Powering Digital Transformation with Digital Twins: A NASA Perspective

Presenter: D.Eng. Jill Marlowe, Digital Transformation Officer, NASA

Description: NASA is not just seeing back to the origins of the universe with the Webb telescope, but also actively transforming itself to deliver even bolder missions in an ever more digitally-enabled, hyper-connected, fast-paced, and globally-competitive world. With their revised Digital Transformation (DT) Strategic Framework released in late 2022, NASA has charted a path to transform its work, workforce and workplace, to enable new approaches to engineering, scientific discovery, program/project management decision making, and business operations. Digital twins are rapidly becoming a lightning rod for integrating many of the transformation efforts underway at NASA. This talk will share NASA’s DT strategy and digital twin use cases that are bringing it to life.
11:30 Joint DTC-IIC Security & Trustworthiness

Presenter: Detlev Richter, Global Head of Industrial and Energy Products, TUV SUD

12:00 Lunch Break
13:30 Keynote: Urban Digital Twins in Planning and Design for Modernization

Presenter: Dr Soheil Sabri, Urban Analytics and Planning Support Systems Research Lead, University of Melbourne

14:00 Collaboration Opportunities with Orange County Public Works and Center for Spatial Data Infrastructures Land Administration

Presenters: Dr Kostas Alexandridis, GIS Analyst, Orange County Survey Geospatial Services, Dr Soheil Sabri, Urban Analytics and Planning Support Systems Research Lead, University of Melbourne

15:00 Afternoon Break
15:30 Working Group Roundtables

Description: In this session we will break off into separate Working Groups for a variety of activities to include:
  • Examination of Digital Twin use cases 
  • Open and interactive discussions on priority topics chosen by the groups
17:00 Wrap Up
18:00 OMG Cross Consortia Member Meeting Reception
Thursday 23 March 2023
Time Primary
08:00 Augmented Reality and Digital Twin Demonstrations
09:45 Morning Break
10:00 Welcome & Introductions with AREA and Digital Twin Consortium
10:15 Magic Leap: Vision for Enterprise AR and the Future of Work
10:35 Exxon – AR and Digital Twins
10:55 Ernst and Young – Digital Twin Factory
11:25 CNS – Using AR for Training
11:45 DTC Closing and Next Steps
12:00 Lunch Break
13:00 Panel Discussion: AR and Digital Twin Deployment Challenges
13:30 Panel Q&A
13:45 TeamViewer - Leap into the Industrial Metaverse
Description: The metaverse - there’s an enormous buzz around it with tales of fully virtual spaces mimicking real life and extending it via games or online collaboration. But when you take a closer look, the metaverse does not seem to offer much for enterprises and industrial leaders. This definition leaves out the people that are solving real-world problems across all industries and processes that are very much anchored in the physical world. So, it is time to leap into the “industrial metaverse” and redefine frontline work in the 21st century – with the help of AR-guided solutions.
14:05 Corners – Digital Twin for Public Safety
14:25 Afternoon Break
14:55 Boon Logic – Digital Twins in Predictive Maintenance
15:15 Digital Twin Case Study: Dassault Systèmes
15:30 Master Class: Creating an AR ROI
16:00 Workshop: Understanding AR/Digital Twin Uses Cases and Requirements
17:15 Closing Summary and Continued Demos