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The Object Management Group® (OMG®) is an international, open membership, not-for-profit technology standards consortium, founded in 1989. OMG standards are driven by vendors, end-users, academic institutions and government agencies The OMG Data-Distribution Service for Real-Time Systems (Data Distribution Service (DDS)) is the first open international middleware standard directly addressing publish-subscribe communications for real-time and embedded systems. DDS Family of Standards, or DDS™, has successfully integrated data-driven applications that demand the highest levels of performance, scalability, reliability and security in business and mission-critical Internet of Things (IoT) environments.

With this in mind, the Object Management Group (OMG), working in conjunction with the OMG DDS Special Interest Group (SIG), has launched the DDS Foundation. The mission of the Foundation is to drive the adoption, interoperability and success of DDS.

The Foundation governs a global community of vendors, users, government institutions and universities to realize the potential of the DDS standard in all industries. By testing conformance and interoperability with the DDS standard, defining industry-specific data models, promoting industry-specific adaptations and implementations of DDS, developing user case libraries and launching educational initiatives, the Foundation members will ensure the ongoing and long-term growth and success of DDS.DDS Foundation Website

What is the DDS Foundation


Figure 1: DDS Foundation Organizational Chart

WIKI Organization

The DDS Foundation WKI site is organized into a private and a public area.

area is for internal use only and is never intended for migration from the site
area is a sandbox/development area. The information here is ultimately intended for public consumption
Follow this link to the official DDS Foundation site.