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Information systems and application developers are transforming the healthcare industry. From the way patient records are stored, to advancements in medical technology and HIPPA regulations, real time information and modification are essential to providing quality patient care. Data Distribution Service (DDS) provides the following features to software architects:

Each user only receives the information they need (or are intended) to receive.
interactions with other services or application's are independent from network services, meaning they are always available for users
Real time
With very low overhead and efficient processing, messages are sent with minimal latencies (approximately 70 microseconds).

DDS also has a flexible architecture that is also scalable: it can adapt to processing both large and small amounts of data.

Source: Twin Oaks Computing: Healthcare

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In modern hospitals, there is an increasing need for digital healthcare to allow hospitals to improve workflows and patient experience. Medical grade computers and mobile devices that support patient monitoring, data transfer, and wireless transmission are becoming increasingly essential for providing streamlined patient care in clinical environments. By leveraging *PENTA’s design methodology and manufacturing capabilities in the medical field, ADLINK provides a series of medical-grade computers, monitors and mobile tablets to enable hospitals and clinical institutions to deliver the highest quality and optimum patient care in wide range of healthcare environments.

Source: Adlink: Medical Healthcare Overview

Medical Tablets

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ADLINK medical tablets are designed to help healthcare professionals to easily access electronic health records (EHRs), allowing them to check patient history, diagnosis, treatment and medication dispensation. Our latest medical tablet is equipped with the Intel® Celeron® Processor N2807 and has a rugged design to withstand repeated sanitization and provide better protection against spread of infection. With optional vehicle dock, our medical tablets can be installed in ambulances to assist emergency staff to access vital patient data in advance for emergency care.

Source: Adlink: Medical Tablets

Patient Data Management and Integration in OR

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The MLC 5 medical panel computer is designed for digitally integrated operating rooms in order to enable easy access to PACS images, EHRS and other relevant patient data. The MLC medical panel computer allows surgeons to manage the patient’s vital parameters and other critical information during surgery, and lets them conveniently view scans and surgical images. The MLC 5 is a medically compliant medical panel computer ideally used to simplify surgical patient data monitoring with superior graphic processing capabilities.

Source: Adlink: Patient Data Management and Integration in OR

Patient Care in ICU

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The MLC 5 medical panel computer is designed for use in intensive care units to monitor infusion pump status and history, supervise patient physical status, file clinical records and integrate them into other intensive care systems. User-friendly function keys on the front panel allow ICU nurses to easily adjust medical front panel computer settings to facilitate patient data management, even in dark environments

Source: Adlink: Patient Care in ICU

ddsf/public/applications/healthcare.txt · Last modified: 2021/07/14 15:43 by murphy