====== Hard Real-Time System ====== [[dido:public:ra:xapend:xapend.a_glossary:start| Return to Glossary ]] A **Hard Real-Time System** (also known as an **Immediate Real-Time System**) is hardware or software that must operate within the confines of a stringent deadline. The application may be considered to have failed if it does not complete its function within the allotted time span. Examples of hard real-time systems include components of pacemakers, anti-lock brakes and aircraft control systems. Source: [[https://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/hard-real-time-system-immediate-real-time-system ]] /**=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- /* To add a discussion page to this page, comment out the line that says ~~DISCUSSION:off~~ */ ~~DISCUSSION:on|Outstanding Issues~~ ~~DISCUSSION:off~~