===== ISO/IEC 7816-03 Identification cards — Integrated circuit cards — Part 3: Cards with contacts — Electrical interface and transmission protocols ===== [[dido:public:ra:xapend:xapend.b_stds:tech:iso:start| return to the ISO Standards ]] | Title | Identification cards — Integrated circuit cards — Part 3: Cards with contacts — Electrical interface and transmission protocols | | Acronym | | | Version | 2006| | Document Number | 7816-3| | Release Date | 2006 | | Reference | [[https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:std:iso-iec:7816:-3:ed-3:v1:en]] |
Data sheet for [[dido:public:ra:xapend:xapend.a_glossary:i:identification|Identification]] cards — Integrated circuit cards — Part 3: Cards with contacts — Electrical [[dido:public:ra:xapend:xapend.a_glossary:i:interface|interface]] and transmission protocols
: **Note**: The following is an excerpt from the official ISO catalog. It is provided here as a convenience and is not authoritative. Refer to the original document as the authoritative reference. ==== Summary ==== This part of ISO/IEC 7816 specifies the power and signal structures, and information exchange between an integrated circuit card and an interface device such as a terminal. It also covers signal rates, voltage levels, current values, parity convention, operating procedure, transmission mechanisms, and communication with the card. It does not cover information and instruction content, such as identification of issuers and users, services and limits, security features, journaling, and instruction definitions. /**=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- /* To add a discussion page to this page, comment out the line that says ~~DISCUSSION:off~~ */ ~~DISCUSSION:on|Outstanding Issues~~ ~~DISCUSSION:off~~