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Webpage: ANWAR

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Author Hasib Anwar;
Title Consensus Algorithms: The Root Of Blockchain Technology
Web Domain 101 Blockchains
Date of Release 25 August 2018
Keywords Consensus Algorithm, overview, summary
Data Accessed 2021/07/21 21:15


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Every day we see something new in blockchain technology surfacing in the midst. No matter how much we try to grasp the latest technology, they always have something new to offer to the table. Ever wonder what the root of all these blockchain technologies is? Well, consensus algorithms are the primary root of this revolutionary technology.

Consensus algorithms in blockchain are what make all the blockchain consensus sequences different from one another. Blockchain network facilities millions and millions of people in the same space. So, how come they never interfere with one another or exist mutually?

The answer is in the architecture of the blockchain network. The architecture is cleverly designed, and consensus algorithms are at the core of this architecture.

dido/public/ra/xapend/xapend.k_consensus/09_ref/anwar.txt · Last modified: 2021/07/30 12:34 by murphy
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