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dido:public:ra:1.2_views:3_taxonomic:4_data_tax:01_cog_taxonomy:01_data Data Cognitive Layer

Return to Cognitive Taxonomy of Data

The Data Cognitive Layer is the lowest level of the Cognitive Model. See: Appendix I: Cognitive Model

Figure 1: The Data Layer of the Cognitive Model

Yingxu Wang 1) describes Data as the most fundamental cognitive objects in the brain that link real-world entities and their attributes to mental abstractions via sensors and quantities. Wang goes on to define Data as an abstract representation of the quantity of real-world entities or abstract objects according to specific quantification scales.

Stavros and Albrant 2) define Data as a raw concept; it simply exists and has no significance beyond its existence (in and of itself). It is the basis upon which Information concepts are built.

Yingxu Wang, Formal Cognitive Models of Data, Information, Knowledge, and Intelligence, WSEAS Transactions on Computers Accessed: 29 September 2021, E-ISSN: 2224-287, Column 14, 2015, Page 770-781
Stavros, Robert W. and Albrant, Jeremiah; Engineering Governance, SPAWAR, October 9, 2007,
dido/public/ra/1.2_views/3_taxonomic/4_data_tax/01_cog_taxonomy/01_data.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/27 20:01 by nick
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