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dido:public:ra:1.2_views:3_taxonomic:4_data_tax:01_cog_taxonomy:04_understanding Understanding Cognitive Layer

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The Understanding Cognitive Layer is a level of the Cognitive Model. See: Appendix I: Cognitive Model

Figure 1: The Understanding Layer of the Cognitive Model

Yingxu Wang 1) does not direcgtly define Understanding, but does describe Intelligence. Wang defines Intelligence as the fourth level of cognitive objects in the brain. Intelligence may be classified into the categories of reflexive, perceptive, cognitive, and instructive.

Although all animal species possess reflexive and perceptive intelligence, only humans and a few advanced species have developed the abilities of cognitive and instructive intelligence.

Yingxu Wang 2) defines Intelligence as a human or a system’s ability that transforms information into behaviors.

Paradigms of intelligence include natural intelligence, artificial intelligence, machinable intelligence, and computational intelligence. The development of cognitive robots, cognitive computers, intelligent systems, and software agents indicates that intelligence may also be created or implemented by machines and man-made systems.

Stavros and Albrant 3) define Understanding as an interpolative and probabilistic concept that reflects Wisdom concepts.

Yingxu Wang, Formal Cognitive Models of Data, Information, Knowledge, and Intelligence, WSEAS Transactions on Computers Accessed: 29 September 2021, E-ISSN: 2224-287, Colume 14, 2015, Page 770-781
Yingxu Wang, Formal Cognitive Models of Data, Information, Knowledge, and Intelligence, WSEAS Transactions on Computers Accessed: 29 September 2021, E-ISSN: 2224-287, Column 14, 2015, Page 770-781
Stavros, Robert W. and Albrant, Jeremiah; Engineering Governance, SPAWAR, October 9, 2007,
dido/public/ra/1.2_views/3_taxonomic/4_data_tax/01_cog_taxonomy/04_understanding.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/27 20:03 by nick
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