DIDO Domain Community is the lowest level Community of Interest (CoI). The Domain has a sub- charter approved by the DIDO Ecosystem Community. The Domain usually relies on the Ecosphere for Bylaws and Policies and Procedures (P&P) but can provide addendums that do not conflict with the Ecosphere. The primary role of the Domain is to produce a product which meets the Functional and Non-Functional Requirements of the Ecosystem and the Ecosphere. As a general rule, the Domain actually builds or deploys things to be integrated into the Ecosystem. The Domain may have more Intellectual Property (IP) Rights than the Ecosystem. It can have a subset the Copyrights allowed by the Ecosystem.
The Domain's role is to build products as per the requirements and maintain products according to the Bug Tracking System. The Domain is responsible for all testing at the Domain level (See: Testability).
See also:
Source: https://www.omgwiki.org/dido/doku.php?id=dido:public:ra