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Durability is responsible for maintaining historical data between services and providing historical data to late joining applications. Specifies if Samples should outlive their Data Writers for late joiners. The longer a sample lives the greater the overhead passed to the Data Distribution Service (DDS) becomes as it moves from dropping samples, to keeping them in shared memory, and to writing them to hard disk. Provided variants include:

  • Volatile
    No need to keep Samples for late joining Data Reader.
  • Transient Local
    Data instance availability for late joining data reader is tied to the DataWriter availability.
  • Transient
    Data sample availability outlives the data writer.
  • Persistent
    Data sample availability outlives system restarts.

Source: OpenSplice Glossary

dido/public/ra/xapend/xapend.a_glossary/d/durability.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/04 13:40 by
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