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A Topic is the most basic description of data that is to be published and/or subscribed to. A topic connects a Data Writer with a Data Reader, i.e., communication does not occur unless the topic published by a data writer matches a topic subscribed to by a data reader. Communication via topics is anonymous and transparent, i.e., publishers and subscribers need not be concerned with how topics are created or who is writing/reading them since the Data Distribution Service (DDS) DCPS middleware manages these issues. In programming terms, a Topic is a Class and each instance is a Sample. Topic instances are associated with a key (similar to a packet ID), defined by IDL and a set of Quality of Service parameters.

Source: OpenSplice Glossary

dido/public/ra/xapend/xapend.a_glossary/t/topic.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/04 05:47 by
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