Title | Subscriptions and filters for completed transactions |
Author | Jack Peterson |
Status | Draft |
Created | 2017-11-09 |
Description | http://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-758 |
Specification | http://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-758#Specification |
Category | Interface |
Requires | EIP1474 |
or eth_sendRawTransaction
RPC request. Access to function return data is in many cases a desirable feature. Making return data available to external callers also addresses the inconsistency between internal callers, which have access to return data within the context of the transaction, and external callers, which do not. Presently, a common workaround is to log the return data, which is bad for several reasons: it contributes to chain bloat, imposes additional gas costs on the caller, and can result in unused logs being written if the externally called function involves other (internal) function calls that log their return data. While implementing the original version of this EIP, it was decided to expand this functionality slightly to allow for external callers to be notified of their completed transactions even in the case where there is no return data. This could be either because the method called doesn’t return a value, or because the transaction is a simple transfer of value.