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TODO: Improve your open source development impact


There are no formal standards on Open Source projects. There are only guides.

Source: The following is from TODO on "Improve your open source development impact"

Open source development requires a different approach to software engineering than many organizations are accustomed to. It becomes easier if you have a clear plan to follow. Fortunately, many companies and individuals have already forged a path to success by contributing to significant open source projects in strategic ways. This practical guide will help you and your company improve your internal development process and prepare you to contribute to the open source projects that matter most to your company. Contributing to the Linux kernel is one of the hardest challenges for open source developers. So we’ll use this case as an example for this guide. Fortunately, the guidance will apply to nearly any open source project you’ll face.


  • What is impactful open source development?
  • The role of an open source program in improving development:
    1. Direct enablement
    2. Indirect Enablement
  • Common areas for improvement
  • Top Recommended Practices
  • Metrics for tracking progress
dido/public/ra/xapend/xapend.b_stds/defact/todo/improve.txt · Last modified: 2021/11/09 15:40 by char
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