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W3C: SPARQL 1.1 Overview (SPARQL)

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Table 1: Data sheet for SPARQL 1.1
Title SPARQL 1.1
Acronym SPARQL
Version 1.1
Series TR
Document Number
Release Date 21 March 2013
Note: The following is an excerpt from the W3C site. It is provided here as a convenience and is not authoritative. Refer to the original document as the authoritative reference.


This document is an overview of SPARQL 1.1. It provides an introduction to a set of W3C specifications that facilitate querying and manipulating RDF graph content on the Web or in an RDF store.


dido/public/ra/xapend/xapend.b_stds/tech/w3c/sparql.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/28 07:20 by
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