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W3C: XML Path Language (XPath) 3.1

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Table 1: Data sheet for XML Path Language (XPath) 3.1
Title XML Path Language (XPath) 3.1
Acronym Xpath
Version 3.1
Series TR
Document Number
Release Date 21 March 2017
Note: The following is an excerpt from the W3C site. It is provided here as a convenience and is not authoritative. Refer to the original document as the authoritative reference.


XPath 3.1 is an expression language that allows the processing of values conforming to the Data Model (DM) defined in XML Query Language (XQuery) and XPath Data Model (XDM) 3.1]. The name of the language derives from its most distinctive feature, the path expression, which provides a means of hierarchic addressing of the nodes in an XML tree. As well as modeling the tree structure of XML, the data model also includes atomic values, function items, and sequences. This version of XPath supports JSON as well as XML, adding maps and arrays to the data model and supporting them with new expressions in the language and new functions in [XQuery and XPath Functions and Operators 3.1]. These are the most important new features in XPath 3.1.
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