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F.20 Entity Factory

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The ENTITY_FACTORY policy controls the behavior of the Entity as a factory for other entities.

This policy concerns only Domain Participant (as factory for Publisher, Subscriber, and Topic), Publisher (as factory for DataWriter), and Subscriber (as factory for DataReader).

This policy is mutable. A change in the policy affects only the entities created after the change; not the previously created entities.

The setting of autoenable_created_entities to TRUE indicates that the factory create_<entity> operation will automatically invoke the enable operation each time a new Entity is created. Therefore, the Entity returned by create_<entity> will already be enabled. A setting of FALSE indicates that the Entity will not be automatically enabled. The application will need to enable it explicitly by means of the enable operation (see

The default setting of autoenable_created_entities = TRUE means that, by default, it is not necessary to explicitly call enable on newly created entities.

Source: DDS 1.4 Spec

dido/public/ra/xapend/xapend.f_qos/entity_factory.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/04 13:40 by
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