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User Scenario: @!!PAGE@

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  • NOTE: Replace all Dark Blue text on this Page with text that is specific to this user Scenario and remove this NOTE!


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The @!!PAGE@ is a User Defined scenario. The User Scenarios does not have the level of detail of a use case, but is intended to capture a simplified workflow.

Provide a one or two sentence description of the User Scenario.

The following list covers some legal or other governing documents for this @!!PAGE@:

  • Provide a list and/or reference here

Problem Statement

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Provide a problem statement as story.

Existing @!!PAGE@ Flow

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The existing @!!PAGE@ work flow is ….


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The following are a list of the activities associated with the @!!PAGE@workflow:

  1. Provide a series of activities associate with the workflow
Provide a workflow diagram for @!!PAGE@
Figure 1: The existing workflow for @!!PAGE@


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The following issues are associated with the existing @!!PAGE@ workflow:

  1. Provide a list of issues associated with the existing @!!PAGE@ workflow

Theoretical Flow using DIDO


Return to Top The following are a list of the activities associated with a theoretical DIDO @!!PAGE@workflow:

  1. Provide a series of activities associate with the workflow
Provide a workflow diagram for theoretical @!!PAGE@
Figure 2: The theoretical workflow for @!!PAGE@


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The following issues are associated with the theoretical DIDO @!!PAGE@ workflow:

  1. Provide a list of issues associated with the theoretical DIDO @!!PAGE@ workflow
pagetemplates/uscenario.txt · Last modified: 2021/05/15 03:00 by nick
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