The Secure Network Communications (SNC) for Software Defined Radios (SDR) is a Working Group (WG) operating under Middleware and Related Services (MARS) Platform Task Force (PTF).
The SNG WG's mission is the advancement of specifications supporting the development, deployment, operation and maintenance of software technology targeted for software defined communication devices.
The current members of the Working Group are:
Held quarterly in conjunction with OMG Technical Conferences (TCs). Telecons held as appropriate/necessary.
Space Telecommunications Interface (STI) Request For Proposal. This version was approved by AB 9/26/19.
Submission discussion presentation for OMG meeting:
sti_submission_discussion_20200312.pdf (PDF)
sti_submission_discussion.odp (OpenDocument Text / ISO/IEC 26300 format)
sti_status_update_mars20-09-10.pdf (PDF)
STI_mars-2020-11-01 sti_mars_2020-11-01.docx sti_mars_2020-11-01.pdf
STI API Document Figures (.SVG)
STI API in Magicdraw - any of the members of this wiki can update space_telecommunication_interface_sti_.mdzip
STI API Magic Draw Figures (.SVG)
STI API Magic Draw XMI File
STI Submission Files (ALL)
Hybrid Adaptive Networks (HANw), UML to SysML migration, and First Responder
We have a mailing list, If you join the SNC WG, you will be added to the distribution. To ask to be added to the mailing list manually, or to unsubscribe, please click here, state your request in the message, and press Send.
Participants who represent an OMG member company can be provided upon request with accounts to edit this wiki directly. Please contact Jeff Smith for help. This wiki is based on the Dokuwiki platform, which has a different markup language from Mediawiki (the Wikipedia platform). See the Dokuwiki syntax before attempting more than simple plain text edits.
* space/2018-02-07 CubeSat Reference Model (CRM) draft RFP
* SNC Data Sheet
* PIM and PSM for Software Radio Components Specification Version 1.0
* UML Profile for Voice-Based Applications
* UML Profile for Telecommunication Services
* The Software Communications Architecture: Two Decades of Software Radio Technology Innovation sca_-_two_decades_of_software_radio_technology_innovation_07263343.pdf
* A Technical Review of SCA Based Software Defined Radios: Vision, Reality and Current Status a_technical_review_of_software_defined_radios_-_springer_final_draft-rev_.pdf