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How can a INCOSE MBSE team share models with other team members? This article describe how to do this with the INCOSE Alfresco site. For Alfresco, team members need an account on If you and your team mebers are able to log onto this site, The key items you need to do to collaborate on a model you are developing are:

Collaboration Environment Use Cases

Manage Models using Alfresco Use Cases

  1. Create a package in Alfresco to hold and find the model(s)
  2. Edit the model online (lock and download the model for editing on your local computer)
  3. Upload the model back into Alfresco (unlock and upload the model so other team members can see your changes and can edit the model)

Manage Licenses using ?? Use Cases

core/model_collaboration.1399043929.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/05/02 11:18 by dlempia