Back to System Modeling Assessment and Roadmap Working Group
The following is the summary for the System Modeling Assessment & Roadmap WG in La Jolla, California on December 8 and 10, 2015 from 09:00 - 17:15 PT. Hedley Apperly provided the web session and call in details for those who could not attend in person.
Meeting objective: Refine, integrate, and illustrate the System Modeling Environment (SME) Concept, which will be used as a basis for deriving the requirements for the SysML v2 RFP
Each Concept Lead to provide the following:
* The Hybrid SUV Change Scenario will be used to illustrate the concept (refer to detailed change scenario description below as files 03a, 03b, and 03c).
00-SysML v2-Meeting Summary-La Jolla-friedenthal-2015-12-10
01-SysML v2-Planning & Reqts-friedenthal-2015-12-10
02-SysML v2-Service Requirements-friedenthal-2015-12-08
03a-SysML v2-SE Use Case-process_change_request_v4-watson-2015-12-08
03b-SysML v2-review_document_for_process_change_request_v7-2-watson-2015-12-08
03c-SysML v2-Hybrid SUV change scenarios-friedenthal-2015-11-26
04-SysML v2-Modeling Formalism-bernard-2015-12-08
05-SysML v2-System Analysis-bajaj-intercax- 2015-12-08
07-SysML v2-Model Construction-williamson-2015-12-08
08-SysML v2-Model Visualization-schreiber-feingold-sarrel-fosse-2015-12-08
09-SysML v2-systems_engineering_concept_model_status-watson-2015-12-10
10-SysML v2-European Space Core Data Modeling Concepts for SysML v2-v7-eisenmann-de koning-2015-12-10
11-SysML v2-PLM-MBSE Challenges-pfenning-2015-12-10
12-SysML v2-Functions in SysML v2-muggeo-2015-12-10
13-SysML v2-Usability Layering Ideas-muth-2015-12-10