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DMN Research Topics

  • Conceptually a BPMN Decision activity can have a DMN detailed representation, with final DMN result values labeling the BPMN decision outputs. But as a DRG demonstrates, decision making itself can be a complex process, and this can give rise to two views of the same decision space that require complex alignment – the BPMN view of the process and the DMN view of the decision lattice. And DMN is another producer/consumer of artifact details. Are there common patterns? Is there a reliable formal mapping of concepts? Edward Barkmeyer
  • BPMN can represent cyclic and spiral processes for making decisions, while DMN cannot. So, how should that be modeled? As in (a), there is a requirement for a clear alignment of model concepts and user vocabularies. Edward Barkmeyer
dmn-topics.txt · Last modified: 2018/12/29 20:36 by jsmith