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dido:public:ra:1.2_views:3_taxonomic:4_data_tax:08_objects:07_opers:03_access Accessor / Mutator Methods


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An Accessor Method is an Operation defined by Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) providing access to Field Data. There are generally two Accessor Methods defined: get and set. In some Object-Oriented (OO) paradigms, the Accessor methods are further defined as:

  • Accessor Methods provide Read-Only access to the Field Data. Accessor Methods provide a way to obtain the state of an object's Field Data from outside the Object.
  • Mutator Methods provide Write-Only access to the Field Data. A Mutator not only does simple checking of the data being set such as type and bound checking; it can also check the semantics of the Field Data to ensure they are valid and consistent. For example, using a Mutex Method to deduct a payment, might also set the date of the payment at the same time even though they are separate Fields within the Object.
Note: There may or may not be any MUTual EXclusion (mutex) or Resource Lock associated with the Field Data.
Note: Often both the Accessor and the Mutator are simply referred to as the Accessors.
Note: Both the Accessor and the Mutator are designated as public, but they can also be declared as private or protected. Those that are designated Private can only be used from within the Object. Public designations allow for the methods to be used from inside and outside the Object. Protected allows the internal Object Methods to access the methods, but also allows any Objects derived from the Object to access the methods.

Some benefits of using a Mutator Methods include:

  • The prevention of data corruption by directly accessing the private Field Data of an Object
  • The flexibility in modifying the internal representation of the Data Fields of an Object without breaking the Interface and consequently code that depends on the Interface.
  • The ability to include additional processing logic such as validation of a value set, triggering of events, etc. during mutation of the Field Data or adding Data Logging of acccesses.
  • The ability to add MUTual EXclusion (mutex) or Resource Lock for synchronizing multithreading or multiprocessor scenarios.
  • The ability to define Accessor and Mutator methods in derived Data Objects from the base Data Object.

C++, Java, verbose C# Example

The following discussion uses c++, however, it is very similar to Java and a “verbose C#” form. C# has some shorthand ways of coding accessor and mutator operations (see the next section).

In C++, the accessor methods are usually implemented as getter operations and the mutator functions are usually implemented as setter operation. The use of the prefix get and set at the beginning of a function name is merely a programming convention, and there is nothing within the C++ language to enforce the convention, however, following the naming convention makes it easier for others to read and use the code.

Example of using Getters and Setters in C++

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Account
{ // Private attributes
    int balance;

  // Public Accessor and Mutator operations
    // setBalance sets the balance in the account
    void setBalance
      ( int _newBalance ) 
    { balance = _newBalance;
    } // End setBalance
    // getBalance returns the current balance in the account
    int getBalance() {
      return balance;
    } // End getBalance
}; // End Account class

// main used as a unit tester of the Account class
int main() 
{ Account account;
  account.setBalance ( 50000 );
  cout << myObj.getBalance();
  return 0;
} // End Main tester

Terse C# Example

C# has a shorthand way of specifying the Accessor and Mutator methods, which reduces the chance of errors in the code since it is generated.

Example of using Getters and Setters in terse C#

using System;

class Account
{ public int balance { get; private set; }
} // End Account Class

DIDO Specifics

Verbose Example

The following is a verbose Ethereum example using Solidity of Smart Contract using Accessor and Mutator methods (i.e., Getters and Setters).

Note: In this example, there is no method (i.e., function ) attributes that designate them as Getters or Setters other than a naming convention. However, it is possible to use the View or Pure function visibility attribution to help the compiler enforce the roles of each function type.

Exaple of using Accessor / Mutator Methods in Solidity

pragma solidity ^0.6.0;
// A simple smart contract
contract MessageContract 
    string private message // private is the default visibility
      = "Hello World";
    function getMessage()
      returns ( string ) 
    { return message;
    } // End getMessage
    function setMessage
      ( string newMessage
      ) public 
    { message = newMessage;
    } // End setMessage

} // End MessageContract

Terse Example

As with C#, the Solidity compiler automatically creates getter functions for all public state variables. In our contract, by changing the visibility of the state variable message to public, a function with no parameters (i.e., () ) returning a string representing the current state of the message state variable.

Note: Setters are not automatically created since the function would be visible to anyone that access the Smart Contract.

Exaple of using Accessor / Mutator Methods in Solidity

pragma solidity ^0.6.0;
// A simple smart contract
contract MessageContract 
    string public message = "Hello World";
    function setMessage
      ( string newMessage
      ) public 
    { message = newMessage;
    } // End setMessage

} // End MessageContract

Controlling State Access

Solidity also allows for attributing functions beyond just public visibility with the use of two keywords: view and pure:

  • view functions only read from the contract state variables and can not modify the contract state. This is usually added to getters.

Example of using Accessor Method and the view attribute in Solidity

pragma solidity ^0.6.0;
// A simple smart contract
contract MessageContract 
    string public message = "Hello World";
    function getMessage()
      public view
      returns ( string ) 
    { return message;
    } // End getMessage
    function setMessage
      ( string newMessage
      ) public
    { message = newMessage;
    } // End setMessage

} // End MessageContract

When a function is attributed as view, the following things are considered modifying the contract's state and the compiler gives warnings:

  • Modifying state variables
  • Emitting events
  • Creating other contracts
  • Using selfdestruct
  • Sending via calls
  • Calling any method which is not marked view or pure
  • Using low-level calls
  • Using inline assembly containing certain opcodes
Note: See:
Note: Getter Method (i.e., Accessor Methods) are by default view methods.
  • pure functions do not read or modify the contract state variables and are only used for computations (i.e., mathematical calculations) or table lookups.

Exaple of using a pure attribute in Solidity

pragma solidity ^0.6.0;
// A simple smart contract
contract SupportContract 
    function add
      ( uint firstNumber, 
        uint secondNumber
      ) public pure 
      returns ( uint ) 
    { return firstNumber + secondNumber;
    } // End add

} // End SupportContract

pure methods ensure no reads or modifications to the state variables occur. The following statements, if present in the function, is considered reading the state and the compiler throws warnings if they are encountered.
  • Reading state variables.
  • Accessing address(this).balance or <address>.balance.
  • Accessing any of the special variable of block, tx, msg (msg.sig and can be read).
  • Calling any method not marked pure.
  • Using inline assembly that contains certain opcodes.
Note: the revert() and require() operations are allowed in a pure to ensure no state changes occur when an error occurs. : Note: See: [char]Review
dido/public/ra/1.2_views/3_taxonomic/4_data_tax/08_objects/07_opers/03_access.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/27 19:30 by nick
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