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dido:public:ra:1.4_req:2_nonfunc:30_usability:satisfaction Attitude / Satisfaction Metrics


Usability Metrics are generally done through standardized questions designed to capture a the user's sentiments about the application, product or system. The survey's pose questions to the users and provide a scale of acceptability the user chooses in assessing a particular attribute. The most common scale is based on the Likert Scales originally proposed in 1032 1).

Figure 1 gives a few of the Scales that Lickert defined. There are more available here:

Scale Attitude / Sentiment
Agreement Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree
Frequency Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
Importance Unimportant Slightly Important Moderately Important Important Very Important
Quality Very Poor Poor Fair Good Excellent
Likelihood Almost Never True Usually Not True Occasionally True Usually True Almost Always True
Score 1 2 3 4 5

Figure 1: The Lickert Scale

There are two ways that user satisfaction can be measured:

  • Task Level Satisfaction - The Task Level Satisfaction is made at the end of each task attempted by the user. Note, a task may be attempted but it may not be completed. Therefore, it is important to record not just the attitude or sentiment about the task, but also the status of the task when the user takes the survey.
  • Test Level Satisfaction - Similar to the Task Level Satisfaction, Test Level Satisfaction is conducted at the end of a Test which can be comprised of multiple tasks. Therefore, in order to properly assess the Test Level, an evaluation of the Task assessments also needs to be made. For example, a test assessment might be low because some of the tasks were assessed as poor.

ISO also provides some guidance in how to assess User Satisfaction. See:

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To be added/expanded in future revisions of the DIDO RA
Saul McLeod, Likert Scale Definition, Examples and Analysis , Simply Psychology, 2019, Accessed 20 November 2020,
dido/public/ra/1.4_req/2_nonfunc/30_usability/satisfaction.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/24 13:52 by nick
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