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Decision Point

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A Decision Point is a place in a program where the execution flow through the program is controlled. As a general rule, Decision Points occur at the Control Flow operations (i.e., IF / ELSE IF / ELSE / ENDIF, or FOR LOOPS | WHILE LOOPS /, etc.). However, each part of the boolean expression in the Control Flow operation is on its own, a Decision Point. For example:

if ( A > 0 && A <=100 && B != A || B > 10000)
{ // Do somethiing
} // End if
{ // So something else
} // End else

The A > 0 is one possible path through the software, and is therefore a Decision Point. A ⇐ 100 is another Decision Point, and so and so forth.

Source: Defined by DIDO RA

dido/public/ra/xapend/xapend.a_glossary/d/decision_point.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/03 05:17 by nick
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