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Digital Twin

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A Digital Twin (also known as Digital Clone, a Virtual Mirror, or a Virtual Model) is a virtual representation of a product or workflow across its lifecycle. Digital Twins play an important role in manufacturing, as well as supply chain management, healthcare, and the court system.

A dDigital Twin is composed of three elements:

  1. A physical item in real space.
  2. The Digital Twin in software form.
  3. Data that links the first two elements together.

Historically, Digital Twins have been used to build predictive models and conduct simulations. For example, the National Football League used statistically-built Digital Twins to test proposed changes to player equipment without risking the health and safety of real players.

With the advent of the internet of things, however, the use cases for Digital Twins have expanded to include monitoring for the desired state and taking action when the desired state is not reached. This type of Digital Twin may also be known as a “state machine.”


dido/public/ra/xapend/xapend.a_glossary/d/digital_twin.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/03 17:20 by
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