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Open Telecom Platform (OTP)

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Open Telecom Platform (OTP) is a collection of useful middleware, libraries, and tools written in the Erlang programming language. It is an integral part of the open-source distribution of Erlang. The name OTP was originally an acronym for Open Telecom Platform, which was a branding attempt before Ericsson released Erlang/OTP as open source. However, neither Erlang nor OTP is specific to telecom applications.

The OTP distribution is supported and maintained by the OTP product unit at Ericsson, who released Erlang/OTP as Open Source Software (OSS) in the late 90s, to ensure its independence from a single vendor and to increase awareness of the language.

It contains:

  • an Erlang interpreter (which is called BEAM)
  • an Erlang compiler
  • a protocol for communication between servers (nodes)
  • a static analysis tool called Dialyzer
  • a distributed database server (Mnesia)
  • many other libraries.


dido/public/ra/xapend/xapend.a_glossary/o/open_telecom_platform.txt · Last modified: 2022/01/11 01:10 by nick
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