The Specification Management Subcommittee (SMSC) is chartered to manage publication and do version management of all adopted standards documents published by the OMG. It also provides guidance to OMG staff on the presentation of the document repository on the OMG web site. No adopted technical document can be formally published without being placed under the control of SMSC. Description of its full role can be found in its Charter, Mission Statement and Concept of Operation as articulated by the Architecture Board in the original charter document adopted in June 2004.
Information about Report to the AB and past SMSC Plenary Meeting Minutes are also accessible from here.
There are several pertinent email lists that are associated with this group which can be found in the Email List Page
One of the facilities that is provided for by the SMSC through this Wiki is a Best Practices Forum to capture best practices and experiences in creation and maintenance of documents. For example, members who have discovered efficient ways of converting documents from one form to another are encouraged to go to this Work Area and add their experience to the bottom of the page. Periodically material from the Work Area will be consolidated and placed in an orderly fashion in the Forum page so that they become easily accessible to everyone. Members developing new documents for submission for publication are also encouraged to visit this forum to explore if any of the ideas presented there would be useful for things that they are trying to achieve.
We will maintain record of the ongoing discussions of Governance and Specification Management that is taking place with a view to creating proposed AB Policies in this area. Broadly speaking, there are 5 topic areas being addressed. The lead individuals are identified in [] at the head of each item. They are:
Related discussion and meeting notes can be found as follows:
Additional material to help in the mission of the SMSC will be placed here as and when they become available
The SMSC Gang
Please email comments and suggestions to the SMSC Wiki Administrator.