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SMSWG Meeting #31 (2019-09-10)

Meeting #31 of the NAFEMS-INCOSE Systems Modeling & Simulation Working Group (SMSWG) was held Tuesday, September 10, 2019 at 11:00 AM EDT for one hour as an online meeting.

Agenda for meeting

Renewal of NAFEMS and INCOSE MoU Roger Burkhart (John Deere)
Report out from the joint NAFEMS/INCOSE meeting from the NWC ’19 Rod Dreisbach (NAFEMS and SMSWG)
Roadmap Focus Team Update Frank Popielas (SMS_ThinkTank)
Terms and Definitions Focus Team Update Ed Ladzinski (SMS_ThinkTank)
Other Topics Frank Popielas (SMS_ThinkTank)

Frank Popielas hosted the meeting and introduced each speaker in sequence.

Roger Burkhart gave a recap of the joint activities of NAFEMS and INCOSE held at the NAFEMS World Congress in June. These culminated in the signing of a new 3-year Memorandum of Understanding between the two organizations. The first action items under this MoU are for both NAFEMS and INCOSE to update their chartering documents for SMSWG and to update their public websites.

Rod Dreisbach next gave an overview of the concluding joint NAFEMS-INCOSE panel held at at the NWC. Peter Coleman was also a participant in this panel as well as a speaker in the earlier joint session, and gave additional comments.

Frank Popielas gave an update from the Roadmap Focus Group. This group will be taking on the drafting of a proposed new flyer on “What is Model-Based?” based on the work of the Terms and Definitions Focus Group.

Ed Ladzinski reviewed seven draft “Model-Based X” definitions prepared by the Terms and Definitions Focus Group, and discussed the plan for working on additional definitions.

Frank Popielas wrapped up the meeting with other topics. These included a recap of upcoming events in which SMSWG is involved. Following is a summary of these events:

  1. “Model-Based Engineering: What Is It & How Will It Impact Engineering Simulation?,” October 1, 2019 in Columbus, OH. Preliminary agenda available. Registration is open. See model-based-engineering.
  2. “Simulation in the Automotive Industry: Creating the Next Generation Vehicle,” November 14, 2019 in Troy, MI. See
  3. SMSWG Monthly Online meetings, second Tuesday of each month at 11 AM ET. Agenda for each meeting announced in advance.
  4. SMSWG Face-to-face meeting at INCOSE International Workshop, January 25-28, 2020 in Torrance, CA. See SMSWG meeting Monday morning, January 27, 9:00-12:00 PT, as both an online and face-to-face meeting.
  5. CAASE 2020 Conference, June 16-18, 2020 in Indianapolis, IN. See

A recording of the meeting is available on the SMSWG Collaborative Community. (SMSWG member access required. Request membership using the request form on the NAFEMS SMSWG page.)

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mbse/smswg/2019-09-10.txt · Last modified: 2019/09/13 16:22 by rburkhart