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12 August 2010

On the call:

  • Andrew Watson
  • Jishnu Mukerji
  • Nicolus Rouquette
  • Larry Johnson
  • Bob Daniel


 1. Agenda review and acceptance
 2. Review of notes from previous call(s) and error correction if any
 3. Goal setting for September meeting and plan to achieve same


The chat room at was used for the call

Chair: Jishnu, Note taker: Jishnu. Notes were taken down in the chat room


A very relevant set of Notes from Nicolas Rouquettethat is worthy of some discussion

Jishnu: Complete Pete's submission on Machine Readable Artifact from 20 April meeting

Larry: Checklist for TFs and RFP writers as for what sort of artifacts they ought to be asking for in FRPs - specifically targeted for Domain TFs

Larry: RFP Template with an Exemplar schedule seems to be missing. Should be made available again.

Bob: 17th June meeting Doug to take a stab at the XML/XMI issues. We should ask him what the status of that is

Nicolas: Notion of canonical XMI has been discussed - given a model there should be just a single acceptable XMI.

Nicolas: Almost like a guideline for using the XMI spec

Nicolas: Similarly for those that develop MOF metamodel, what are the recommended patterns to us etc.

Bob will ask Doug what the status is. We should plan on getting a status report at the next call.

Bob: 23rd June meeting we had talked about transforming automatically from model to XSD and XMI.

Nicolas: Specs like the XMI spec are not effectively operational. In order to use those specs we need to have something that is reasonably operational that OMG folks can use predictably.

Nicolas: Only the QVT spec allows us to do such specific operation generation of XSD and XMI and such

Bob: Summarizing tool vendors will need to be involved in doing this spec ge activity, but they do not have a incentive to spend any resources on this

AI Andrew - RFP Template with exemplar schedule, maybe the exemplar needs to be updated. Please get an updated Template on the web site

Nicolas: Change management is the most expensive part of the process. We need to provide better support for this. Need to be able to verify that the resolutions fix only the issue and not do other stuff.

Nicolas: At the end of the day we should be able to use model driven tools to keep track of the changes and annotate them with what caused the change to be made.

Nicolas: Rather see this done with concerted participation of vendors.

AI Nicolas will put together a review of the key ideas that he talked about today for the call in two weeks

AI Larry: Jot down ideas of what checklists would be useful for TF and RFP writers.

AI Larry: Generating an FTF Report from from a tagged model with tags identifying the source of changes Present an example

governance_12_august_2010.txt · Last modified: 2010/08/12 15:15 by admin